Chapter 8 - Date Night (Part 2)

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It took Clementine about 10 minutes to get ready. Now she just had to wait for Louis.

She laid in her bed, looking up at the ceiling. She smiled when she saw the little stars that were glued to her ceiling. She remembered when Lee had put them up, it was about a week after he adopted her when he did it...



"Hi." A small voice said. She sat at a white table in a white room with... once again, white tiles. Across from her sat a tall man. He looked late 30s. He had a black beard that wasn't to long but not to short either.

She had seen this man before, on the news.

Lee Everett

He was charged with killing a man.

Clementine remembered watching the news channel with her parents. They always rushed her out of the room when it was something serious.

Honestly, 8 year old Clem didn't want to have anything to do with the man that sat across from her. She rather be left alone, sitting in an old orphanage with crazy kids.

The man interrupted her thoughts:

"I saw you on the news, about a week ago." The man started. "I'm really sorry... about what happened to your parents." Listening to his words made the little girl close her eyes.

He was so kind and gentle. He seemed like a family man, a man who cared deeply for his loved ones. Clementine chose to stay quite and listen to him speak.

"I was hoping... if I could start taking care of you. Me and you could get to know each other a little bit better, for the next months."

Little did the 8 year old girl know, this man would change her life forever.

"There soo pretty!" The little girl giggled when she looked up at the ceiling of her new room. "You like 'em?" The man asked. "Yeah! Thank you so much Dad!" Clementine said without realizing.

Lee slowly turned around to look at her. She had never called him 'Dad' before. "Wait, I mean-" she was interrupted by Lee scooping her up and hugging her.


Clementine quickly sat up when she heard the doorbell ring from downstairs. She grabbed her bag and slipped her phone into her back pocket. She stopped midway at the stairs when she saw Louis' face. Lee glared at him.

He hated when his daughter would go out with guys. Lee almost wanted to shut the door right back in Louis' face. "Hi!" Clementine giggled, she didn't even look at Lee who was stood beside the front door. Her eyes were on him and him only.

Clem and Louis stared at each other for a while, getting lost in each others eyes. Until Clem looked at his outfit. "Wow, guess you really took my words seriously." She slightly chuckled. Louis only laughed in return. "You look amazing." He said out of nowhere, which made Clem's face turn red.

Lee had had enough of this. "OKAY! I'm right here!" Lee said. He meant for it to be more jokingly but it mostly came out as annoyed.
"Sheesh, okay Dad. We're leaving." Clem grabbed her coat by the door and walked out with Louis walking beside her.

"Louis." Lee called. Louis quickly turned around, being ready for Lee to punch him, kick him, do anything really.

Louis and Lee stared at each other for a while. Clem looked between the two. This situation was very awkward. Lee noticed his daughters face, "just... drive safe, you two be carful." Louis was thankful he wasn't getting a punch from his dates daughter, he sighed in relief.

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