Chapter 15 - Louis' Point Of View

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(This chapter is all in Louis' POV)


It's been about a week after we had that dinner get together thing.

It was a Saturday. THANK GOD I didn't have school today.

Usually I'd spend my weekends with Clementine, and hang out with our friends. But sadly, the Everett's (including Carly) all went to visit the Garcia's.

That whole, 'steak out' thing, didn't really work out. The night before we were going to go try and find Matthew, Clementine had another nightmare about him. She never told me what it was about, she just said she had a really bad feeling. She convinced everyone NOT to go, and they listened.

But oh did I miss my Clementine. Yeah, okay, she's only been gone for like A DAY but still! She's started to stay over here, at my house. My mom doesn't mind, but Lee does. He has to basically, walk Clementine over to my house, just to make sure mom's here.

Mr. Everett gives me the creeps. I don't even know what to call him, Mr. Everett, or Lee!

Reasoning for calling him Mr. Everett: He's my teacher.
Reasoning for calling him Lee: He's my girlfriend's dad.

Lee's never said anything to me about, what to call him. I should ask... Or not.

I tossed and turned in bed. It was 8:00 o'clock in the damn morning! Why couldn't I just go back to sleep? My thoughts were probably keeping me up:

-What if Clementine gets hurt?
-What if Matthew comes and attacks her?
-What if that guy, Gabe, Clementine's been telling me about, tries to take her away from me?

Yes, Clem has told me about Gabe. When she told me he had a major crush on her, I just shrugged it off, but really I was pissed. Ugh, how could the famous, Javier Garcia, have such an annoying nephew?!

"Hey honey, I made breakfast." Mom said as she opened my door. "Ugh, mom, I told you to knock!" I groaned. Mom always had a problem with knocking on my door, but she had to start. I'm 17 years old, please knock! "Yeah, yeah." She said annoyed. She closed my door and I hopped out of bed.

At least when Clementine wasn't here I didn't have to wear a shirt... In my opinion, when you go to sleep, wearing a shirt is uncomfortable, for guys at least. I've experimented on my girlfriend, realized that when I didn't have a shirt on, her face would turn as red as a tomato. She'd look away and scratch the back of her neck, her face wouldn't turn back to the normal color until I put a shirt on.

I grabbed my phone and raced down the stairs, wondering what mom had made to eat. I smelt... Pancakes and sausages. When I made it down the stairs, I headed towards the kitchen... Only to be greeted by my dad. "What're you doing here, Charles?" I asked, making sure to say his real name. "Your mother invited me for breakfast before I went to work." Was all he said. He gently smiled at me but I only returned a glare.

I looked around the room, mom was nowhere to be found. "Where's mom?" I asked. "In the bathroom." He shrugged, taking a bite of his pancake. I rolled my eyes.

A thought came to my mind, Clem's eye roll. She rolls her eyes ALL THE TIME, secretly I love when she does it... Also when she scrunches her nose when I make corny jokes, or how her honey golden eyes glare at me when I tease her, And how her cheeks-

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