Chapter 44 - end

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(Sequel info at the end)

It's really insane to me that this book is finally over. This chapter isn't.. the best but I didn't exactly have anymore to put into it. There will be a sequel. I appreciate everyone who's been reading this from the beginning! Love you all!! Enjoy.


How long had it been?

That she was here..

In this bright room..

Clem had been forced to leave Louis' side, and be taken to the police station. And all she could remember was that it had been dark when she got here, now afternoon..

Sure, she didn't like being interrogated, but she wondered when the hell they would start. She had been there for hours, just sitting. Often, a policewoman would come in and ask if she needed to use the restroom - but still! She could break out easily. It wasn't exactly the best time to.. review and rate the police station, but it was the only thing she could do besides worry about Louis.

She was sure that there were other people in other questioning rooms- I mean, if there were other questioning rooms. It was the only thing that seemed right: they were questioning other people. Unless they were just bad officers, which she thought right because literally just last night she paid those two off.

Finally, after hours, the door opens and she's greeted with a few officers- also.. Sophie's parents?

Why were they here?

Shawn and an officer take a seat in front of her, while Melissa and the others stand around the room. Melissa has her arms crossed, looking down disappointedly as Shawn places his hands on the table in a sort of proper way.

Clementine knew that Melissa wasn't at all upset with her - she was upset with Sophie, what mother wouldn't be?

Shawn sighs before he begins talking, "If you don't press any charges against my daughter or my family, we'll put Sophie into some sort of mental institute or even prison. They've told us your past, and as long as you don't spread anything about us, then we can just forget that this thing even happened."

Hmm.. did she want to do that? Sure, she would be completely free with this - unless they happened to stab her back in the future, but she also had things on them...

Charles definitely wouldn't be doing business with them anymore, that was for sure. Shawn was basically trying to make this deal with her so that they wouldn't lose any money.

"Okay." Clem shrugs, looking almost emotionless as she speaks, "If you ever- ever spread any of my information, then this.. deal won't be a thing anymore and I'll happily- and easily tell all of my info on you, got it?"

"Yes. Either way of this deal, we would've put Sophie into something anyways.. we just.. can't deal with that irresponsible, childish, and nuisance girl anymore. She's done enough." Shawn adds.

It was crazy how he talked about her. Almost as if she wasn't just his child - or something that he cared about - like she was just here, on earth to continue the family legacy. And because of that, she felt a little bad for Sophie. Maybe if her parents didn't treat her the way that they did, she wouldn't have went out and met up with Matthew to get drugs, then didn't pay him back, then.. well, ya know.

But honestly, that didn't really matter. Sophie needed help. No matter how psycho the bitch was, she didn't belong out in the real world. So yes, Clementine agreed to the deal.

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