Chapter 34 - Matthew

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"Matthew." Clementine states simply.

The rest of them, Marlon, Minnie, Aasim, and Omar have no idea who this.. Matthew is.

Louis sees him for the very first time; the blonde haired man with a little stubble at his chin. His eyes are a dark blue. Barely noticing his white skin from all the tattoos on his arms; not any tattoos on his face though, it just stopped at the neck.

Louis' fists and jaw clench, his eyes narrowing. This.. THIS is the man that ruined Clementine months ago, and now Louis wanted revenge.

He goes to walk forward, but is stopped by Clementine. Her hands are tightly holding his arm, he'd have to really pull if he wanted to get out of that embrace.

Violet watches the scene unfold. She had only heard of the man in articles and reports from that folder.. the reports words from Clementine, AJ, and Lee.

Matthew brings his lit cigarette to his lips and inhales it before tossing it on the ground and crushing it with his boot. He snickers, his blue eyes getting darker by the second.

"I thought I told you, Garcia." Matthew states, his lips a wide smirk, showing his teeth.

Gabe steps back a little, "W-what are you talking about?"

Matthew smirks even wider, taking small steps towards the group that just came out of the building. He puts his hands on his hips, staring at Gabe with a death glare in his eyes.

"I thought I fucking told you, Gabriel: If I see or hear anything about Clementine, then you're DEAD." Matthew states the last word dramatically. Gabe stops in his tracks, probably unable to move because of how scared he is.

"B-but she's right there!" Gabe points to Clem, making Louis' grip tighten around her. Matthew keeps his eyes on Gabe, "I'm aware. She's fine, but Lee and AJ definitely aren't."

Clem's eyes widen, "W-what? Matthew, what do you mean?"

Now Matthew turns to Clementine, his smirk fading.

"Some people that we.. knew once," He says the word 'knew' as in, kidnapped or sold drugs to. "came by your house and.." He doesn't finish the sentence. Of how evil Matthew is, it's a shock that he's nice in this moment.

Clementine feels her heart drop, "No.."

"Yes. They're at the hospital now. Lee is in a coma and AJ only has minor injuries. He's more traumatized than hurt. And if there's no adult related to him there in the next hour, then he'll be put in foster care for the time being."

Clem can barely even hear Matthew's voice, due to the ringing in her ears from hearing such a thing.

Matthew snaps his head back to Gabe, narrowing his eyes. "What did you do? Who the fuck did you get in contact with?" He says through clenched teeth.

Gabe stumbles back a bit, his arms raised to try and block Matthew from coming closer. "I-I didn't talk to anyone, Matthew! I s-swear!"

Matthew steps closer to Gabe, narrowing his eyes. Gabe backs up until he's pressed against the wall. Matthew comes close to him, his face inches from Gabe's, his eyes still glaring into his.

Clementine steps up after she gets out of her shocked state. She gently pushes Matthew away from Gabe, "He didn't do anything."

"Oh yeah? Remember when he talked to me to ask if I'd kill your new boyfriend?" Matthew says while cocking his head sideways.

Louis steps up too and grabs Clem's waist, pulling her so he's behind her, "What?"

Matthew's evil smirk comes back, "Ah, so now I meet you..." He steps closer to Louis now, Gabe slightly slips away while he does. Marlon walks up so he's next to Louis, crossing his arms with his fists clenched, "Who the fuck are you?"

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