Chapter 39

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new "Clementine Returns" comic at the end of this chapter... any of you guys read it? My um.. thoughts on it are at the end too

Updating early because I'm changing my schedule. Yesterday I was trying to publish this chapter, but it had to be edited and everything so I didn't really have time. So now I'm publishing this and not next week- be the week after that, I'll be publishing the 40th chapter on Wednesday (7/21)


Prom was tomorrow.


After Clem and Louis' 'get back together kiss,' the two had gone back to his house and started making a plan.

The question was, how far was Sophie willing to go? How crazy was she really? Honestly, Louis didn't want to know the answer to that. Clementine knew what she was capable of, since she had seen her in a survival-like-state.

Louis knew Sophie would be absolutely pissed if Louis didn't ask her to prom. Hell, she had been blowing his phone up all day, angry because he still hadn't given her his credit card and because he still didn't ask her. Though she did assume that they were going to go, but now that she thought he was out of town, she got anxious.

Clementine was obviously jealous. I mean, Louis' phone had been going off non stop, and she knew who it was. Though Louis couldn't really do anything, he could only turn the device off as Clementine glared at him.

"Alright, you talk to M, and I'll work on the whole.. Sophie situation." Clementine states as she paces around his room, referring to Matthew when she said 'M'.

"Wait, YOU talking to Sophie? Fuck. No." Louis explains, standing up from the chair he was sitting in.

"Louis, if you talk to her, you'll probably- most likely say something stupid, so then she'll know that I'm getting the file from Matt."

"Um, hell to the fucking no, Clementine! I just got you back, I'm not gonna lose you to some crazy fucking redhead!"

"She's not going to hurt me, Lou. She won't get the chance to. I just need you to go talk to M.. please?" She begs him, looking up at him with puppy eyes.

He sighs, "Ugh, fine... just.. be careful, okay?"

"I'll try-"

"Clementine." He speaks in a warning tone, now glaring down at her.

"Okay! Okay! I promise I'll be careful." She emphasizes 'promise,' turning around and grabbing her things before she walks out the door.


Just for context, I imagine that this:

Just for context, I imagine that this:

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