Chapter 9 - The Truth

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Louis hadn't gotten any sleep last night. From hearing what Sophie had said, he was to confused to sleep. Louis told her she was wrong, and to leave him alone, but what if Sophie was right? What if Clem did kidnap her? What if Clem was a drug dealer?

Those were the thoughts that kept him up all night.

He trusted Clementine. He didn't know why, but he did. He had only known her for about 2 weeks, and he could already tell she was amazing, the best person he had ever met.

But he's known Sophie since he was 8, he knew most of his friends since he was 8 - due to all of them going to the same school. They all got even closer once they were out of the boarding school, they all lived close by.

Sophie, Minerva, and Tenn were all sent to the boarding school at the same time. No one ever liked Sophie, but everyone had to spend as much time with her as they did with Minerva.

The whole entire time Louis knew Sophie, she was a liar, and nothing else.


Clementine sat in Math class, second class of the day. She wasn't wearing anything special, just a sweater and some dark blue jeans. Her hair was up in a messy bun, a few loose curls hanging out.

She wondered why it was taking Louis so long to get to school. She hadn't seen him in 1st period, so he must've skipped? Louis wasn't usually this late, mostly it was Violet who was late. Everyone had a white sheet of paper on their desks. The paper had math equations that Clem didn't even know the answer to. Math wasn't her strong suit, mostly it was history - since Lee's a history teacher.

She hoped to see him in the music class, him being the only person that she actually knew in that class. Right now, the only people she knew in this class were, Violet, James, and Brody - also the mean math teacher,
Ms. Johnson.

The bell rang, signaling 3rd period. Clem was mad at herself for not doing any of the math that was on her desk, now she'd have to do it for homework. She shrugged as she grabbed her bag. She could just ask Lee for some help.

Her and Violet walked down the hall together until Violet reached her class. The two waved goodbye, and now Clem started walking to her class.

Once she got into the room she looked around, seeing Louis sit in his seat - that was next to hers - in the back of the room. She slightly smiled, but that quickly faded once she saw how he looked. He had bags under his eyes. He looked tired, really tired.

Clementine walked to her seat, placing all her stuff down and sitting. She quickly turned to him, wanting to see what was wrong.

"Are you okay?" She asked. He didn't look 'okay' he looked tired and stressed. They still had 5 more minutes until class started, meaning they could talk.

Louis looked at her, eyes barley open. "Sophie talked to me last night." He said bluntly. Clem started to get mad, what did she say this time?
"What did she say?" Clem asked, it came out calm, despite how angry she was. "She was talking about you." Louis sighed. Clem's eyes widened. Why would Sophie be talking about her? What did Clementine do?

"What did she say, about me?" She hesitated to say the last 2 words. She was scared that Sophie might've said something about her and now Louis was believing it. "If it is true then I can't talk about it right here." He shook his head. If he couldn't talk about it then was it really that bad?

Clem sighed. "Can we go to the bathroom or something to talk about it?" She asked. Louis shrugged. Clem stood up, Louis followed. They grabbed their stuff and left.

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