Chapter 18 - New Kids

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"...I..." She started. Honestly she didn't know what to say. She'd never really been in love - well yeah, maybe with Matthew but...
"Clem, I understand if you don't feel the same way- I know what happened with Matthew and-" Louis cut himself off, afraid of her reaction if he continued.

"Louis... I- umm." Clementine tried to speak, but just like him, she chickened out. "Ya know what..." Louis started, forcing himself to change into his usual charming and happy mood, "why don't we just forget I even said anything-" Within an instant Clementine smashed her lips onto his, cupping his face with her hands. After a few seconds she pulled away slowly... "I love you too."


Clementine couldn't have been more happier! Well she still had Mr. Moore on her mind (about this morning) but she wasn't gonna stop that from ruining her day! 2nd and 3rd period went by fast. Now it was time for gym - the class that all teenagers hated the most.

Gym class included:
Louis, Violet, Aasim, Brody, Mitch, Minnie, and Marlon.

All students had to change into school uniform for gym. Girls were given tight short shorts and baggy T-shirts, and guys were given long loose gym shorts (usually go down to about the knee) and a normal T.

Girls HATED the outfits they were given, every girls except for the sluts- 🤭
And guys LOVED the outfits for the girls... Especially the shorts. ;)

Clementine walked out of the girls locker room, every other girl following behind her. All the guys had already changed into their outfits.

They had about a 5 minute talk time. So usually everyone walked around the gym talking to their friends, waiting-(dreading) that 5 minutes to be up.

"Hey good lookin'? Where you been?" Louis teased to his girlfriend who walked over to him madly, Violet, Brody, and Minnie followed her. "Busy changing into these fucking shorts." She retorted. Marlon and Louis snickered to each other.

Everyone was in their talking groups, waiting for that 5 minutes to be up. Everyone silenced when they heard the gym doors open...

Clementine's eyes widened, she could start crying right there. "No! Fuck!" She whispered to herself after seeing the two teens walk in. "They look... oddly familiar." Louis muttered. Clementine sat on the floor, her knees up to her chest.

"What's wrong Clemmy-Clou? Did I make you drop to your knees already?" Louis teased. He sat down beside her, everyone else did too. "Wanna tell me why you're throwing a little tantrum?" Louis teased again. Clementine glared at him, shooting daggers at his way. Louis gulped, That was a first.

"That's my best friend... and Gabriel fucking Garcia." She said. "Wait.. Like Javier Garcia's nephews?" Marlon asked. "Yeah." Clem sighed.

The Garcia's walked over to Clem, ignoring everyone else that called them to sit at their group - since they knew Javier used to be famous. Gabe and Mari stood in front of Clem. Gabe scratched the back of his neck while Mari gave a slight smile to Clementine.

"Was THIS the surprise?" Clem asked, clearly no happiness in her voice once so ever. "Well... yeah. Are you mad?" Mariana asked, clearly sad and confused. "I'm not mad that you're here, excited actually... But when your dick brother is here, yeah I'm mad." Clementine retorted. Mari giggled while Gabe's jaw dropped.

"Clem, what's your problem with me?" Gabe asked. "Uh... let's see... Spreading rumors around the school saying that me and you fucked, you never leave me alone... not to mention you are VERY annoying." Clementine admitted, a fake smile on her face after she finished.

Louis' blood started to boil. Just the idea of a guy who has a crush on Clem even being around her-

"Anything else?" Gabe asked, clearly annoyed. "Yyyyyeah, but I don't wanna say anything in front of everyone, so."

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