Chapter 36 - Deal?

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Clementine wakes up, instantly getting a sharp pain in her neck and back from being in a sitting-up position for a while. She opens the car door and steps out, reaching behind her to massage her sore neck.

"Ugh.. never sleeping in a car EVER again." She groans while wincing slightly. After a while she sits back in the car and grabs her phone, opening Instagram.

The phone that she had was a cheap one, basically a better burner phone. The reason why she smashed her old one and got a new one was because she didn't want people to track her - such as the cops, or Matthew.

She searches for Louis on Instagram, something that she did often just to know if he was okay. And from what she had found - which was no posts since the day she left - was a sign that he was doing absolutely terrible. But she checked every week or so to see if he had a new girlfriend or something- "Pfft- I would definitely not care if he had a girlfriend..." Oh yes she would.

"Maybe if she was.. prettier than me.. then maybe- NOPE- no I don't give two shits about who Louis Smith dates." 'You sure about that, Clementine?' "Shut the fuck up, conscious. I wouldn't care. Besides, he's my ex. I don't care about Matthew...." 'Buuuut...?'

"But yes, he is hot." She says, rolling her eyes as she throws her phone in the passenger seat.
'Hotter than Louis?'

Clementine shakes her head furiously, trying to get those thoughts out of her head. "Don't even think about that!" 'You still haven't answered my question.' "Okay, FIRST of all, you can't say 'my' because we're the same person. And second, it's hard to choose who is hotter."

'Okay, okay, fine. I'll leave you alone. But my personal opinion, I think Matthew is definitely hotter.' "Ugh, shut up!"

With one last echoing giggle, the voice in her head disappears. Clementine sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose, "Jesus Christ, I really am crazy, huh?"

She turns on the car - that Lee's parents had nicely let her borrow - and starts driving down the road back to her grandparents house.


Prom was coming up, and fast. But Louis couldn't care less. He didn't care about all the girls dressing in slutty outfits just to get asked to prom by some football jocks, he only cared about his girl coming back safely... though he couldn't really call her his anymore.

It turns out that even some girls were asking Louis out too. The girls who were *cough* sluts *cough* were asking him in a more seductive way, like dressing in crop tops and short skirts, then either sitting beside him or on his lap - if he let them anyway. Then they'd be very very close to touching a um.. certain area. But after that he'd push them away and say that he wasn't interested, or that he wasn't going to prom.

The other girls, that he liked to call the "good girls" would either shyly come up to him and ask or leave a note in his locker. But every single time a girl asked, they all got rejected by him. Some girls would ask twice, even three times but still got turned down.

So here Louis was, sat in boring math class. He was trying to write all the notes down to bring his grade up, but couldn't with Brody yapping next to him.

Brody was poking Louis' arm with the eraser of her pencil, whispering, "Louis, Louis, Louis, Lou-"

"What?!" He whisper shouts back in annoyance. Brody glares up at him and stops poking him, "Why did you break up with Marlon?"

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