Chapter 11 - Confessions

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Clementine once again entered the hospital room. This time Lee and AJ were in there too. AJ was sitting in one of the chairs with a McDonalds happy meal and Lee's phone in hand, watching some sort of disco broccoli toy review.

Everyone looked at Clem when she entered the room. She leaned against the wall and closed her eyes. She couldn't believe what just happened a couple minutes ago. "Clem are-are you okay?" Mariana asked, sitting up from where she was laying.

Everyone was so confused. Clem looked like she was relieved, but also happy, very happy.

"I am officially taken." Clem said. Mariana started laughing and clapping. She was excited for her friend. Lee on the other hand...
whew, he was pissed.

After Clementine and Mariana stopped hugging and laughing, they both looked at Lee. "Dad, it's fine. You know Louis." Clem reassured. "And I knew Matthew too." Lee balled his fists. Everyone in the room was aware of Matthew, and Clementine's past. But it didn't change the way that they all felt about her, just like it didn't change how Louis felt.

"You can trust him. I already told him some things-" Clem inched closer and closer to Lee, trying to get him to calm down. "Told him what, Clementine?" Lee cut off. Clem gulped. The parenting voice he had always scared her. "I told him more about... ya know." "What. Did. You. Tell. Him." He said sternly. "I told him about-about me... And Matthew." She stated.

"Don't you ever listen to the rules?" Lee almost yelled. At this point Javier and Kate rushed AJ out of the room. Mariana awkwardly stayed in there, listening to everything.

"The first day-first fucking day of school I told you, 'no fights'. And what do you do? Get into it with some fucking red head, defending a boy that you barley even knew!" Clem just listened to her fathers words. Usually, she'd stand up for herself against people yelling at her or something... but to Lee? She respected him to much to do that.

"Then still on the first day I tell you, 'no boys' and all you do is flirt with the first guy you see." Lee's voice lowered, only making it even worse for the two girls who had to listen.

Clem knew she wouldn't, but- "Fuck off! I'm almost a fucking adult and you still can't lay off! If I had met a woman instead of Louis, would all this change? Would you still be so upset?!" Clem yelled as she grabbed her things. "Clemen-" Lee tried to speak in the same stern parenting voice, but it wasn't working anymore.

"No! Don't fucking 'Clementine' me! You're not my real dad! Once I turn 18 I'm moving out, and you can't tell me what to do anymore!" She almost screamed.

All the nurses and doctors were lining up at the room. They wanted to go in there to tell them to 'be quiet', since the yelling was alarming the other patients. Javier told them to just wait a minute, and that it'd be over soon.

"I may not be your real Dad, but I still adopted you! And as long as you'll live under my roof, you will listen to my rules!" Lee yelled. "Fuck you Lee! I have friends, I can move in with them!" Clem yelled.
It hurt Lee to hear her say his name, instead of Dad.

And with that, Clem left. She forcefully grabbed AJ, making him drop Lee's phone, but he still held onto the little happy meal. AJ being 5, Clem carried him out of the hospital. She didn't even care for the people shouting at her, telling her to "come back".

Clementine called an Uber. She just wanted to go back home, but she knew that wasn't the deal. An Uber driver wouldn't drive 5 hours... that was just nonsense. So after 40 minutes of driving they stopped at a gas station. AJ looked tired.
It was 7:00, no wonder he was tired.

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