No Feelings, No Pain

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*Y/N's P. O. V.*

"Mom? Are you sure you can get up now? You don't have to rush it," Declan asked while he was helping me get up from the bed. I can't believe I've been staying here for a week already.

Fortunately, I'm not seeing him that much. Declan said he was cleaning up last week's mess and making sure no one would dare to do that again. Of course, that's typical of him.

While I let my injury heal, Declan didn't leave my side and he also told me everything that happened while he was here. Just as I have expected when I realized who Ripley really is, Declan voluntarily decided to stay with him to get to know him. Understandably, my kid was dumbfounded to see that his allegedly dead father is alive and well so his instincts to understand why took over.

But as his story progress, the simple curiosity he has had grown into comfort. It was clear that he was thrilled about this...about James. At first, I don't want to believe that James would basically adopt a kid stranger just like that and actually teach him stuff. He hated people, especially kids. He also won't waste his time just like that, but I guess it's the blood doing the work. Surely, even if he doesn't realize it, it's the thing at work here.

From my kid's stories, I can tell James was enjoying it too. He really focused on him and Declan said he can see that James wasn't acting on this only for his desire to have a prodigy, it was an attempt for a distraction too.

But as much as I want to listen and be fascinated with his stories, we need to leave this place soon.

"We can't stay here any longer, Declan. I haven't been able to contact Sherlock and Mycroft for a week now. They're worried about you, everyone is. Besides, I've had enough rest. See?" I told him while walking around my bed slowly. Thankfully, it doesn't hurt that much anymore, but I can still feel a little pain there, "I'm good as new," I smiled at him.

"I'm really thankful for that, mom. You got into this mess because of me. I was so worried about you getting caught up in this for trying to find me. I was selfish, I didn't think of you. I'm sorry," he said.

"Hey. You don't have to apologize. You acted on your instincts and I'm proud of that. You kept yourself safe too and followed what you think is the best thing to do. I'm not mad, okay? And look, I'm perfectly fine," I stated, guiding him to look at me, "And also, I think this is really needed. At least, we finally found out, right?" Finally, Declan gave me a smile.

"What do you plan on doing now?" he asked and honestly, I'm still not prepared to answer that.

"I don't know, kid. But all I know is we have to go," I told him, "We don't belong here," I continued.

"Mom, I can see that the last sentence was a lie," Declan called me out and I just chuckled.

"I know. But we really have to go soon. I can't stay here any longer," I told him. Declan's eyes wandered away from mine when I said that. Even though he tries not to look disappointed, I can tell he is, "What's the matter? Do you want to stay?"

Honestly, I expected this. Declan was really vocal about his experience here and I can easily say he immediately found comfort. The different environment absolutely thrilled him.

"Would you change your mind if I say yes?" he whispered. Sometimes, I'm still shocked about how honest he is with me, "No. Forget it. I shouldn't have asked. I'm being selfish again," he said when I took too long to answer.

I took a deep breath and contemplated it. He really looked determined to stay but was just hiding it from me. Honestly, I'm not scared to let him go. He already proved that he can handle himself well while being with a psychopath. What I am scared of is the physical dangers James attracts. Declan can clearly handle all the mental baggage, I just don't want to take chances of him physically getting hurt.

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