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A/N: Just drop everything and look at 2020 Andrew Scott with a teddy bear 👆 This is it. This picture saved my remaining days of 2020. 💞

On that note...back to the story.

*James' P.O.V.*

"Have you lost that much blood already? You're already pale, boy," I stared at the kid who, for some reason, saved me from a close call.

He's now sitting down on the floor, staring at me with a dumbfounded stare.

"What? You didn't expect that I will catch you?" I asked playfully, "I think it's only fair. A life for a life, right?" I continued.

His left leg looked bad with a deep cut on it, but right now he's really not giving it any attention because he was still in shock and just staring at me. Moving suddenly, I got closer and snap a finger in front of him which finally made him jolt.

I snickered, "Guess you're still really a child after all," I said before kneeling down in front of him to get a closer look at his wound, "Don't worry. You're not boring. I won't kill you."

I really shouldn't be doing this. Catching him from that fall was enough charity I could give someone, especially to a child that I don't know. But I can't explain this feeling, why am I easily inclined to patch him up?

"You're Thomas Ripley?" the kid finally spoke.

"Mmhmm. Where are your friends?" I asked while removing my vest to use it as a cover around his wound.

"On the way back to land. I led them to escape," he answered. Now that his attention was off me, I could see him wincing because of the wound.

"Why are you still here, then?" I asked curiously. When I saw that he was about to answer, I covered his wound and wrapped it with heavy pressure. The kid yelped, he even holds onto my arm involuntarily.

"Sorry," he said while wincing then getting his hands off of me immediately, "I came back to help you. I heard that you might be in trouble," he explained.

"You're one strange kid, aren't you?" I stated, "Where did you learn how to use a gun?"

"Family," he quickly answered.

"Fun family," I told him in amusement. When I'm satisfied with how I tightly wrapped his leg, I finally stood up.

Right on cue, I began to hear a familiar buzz of a chopper. From the dark skies, I could see a faint light that was heading towards us. That's probably my official ride out of here.

"Can you walk?" I asked.

He tried to do it by letting the wall support him. He did manage to stand but when he attempted to walk, his left leg gave in.

"Can't," he fell kneeling down to the floor.

I should just end it for him at this point, but again, he's not boring. I could just leave him to float here until authorities get to him, but I can't let that happen as well.

With an eye roll, turned my back on him and got down to the floor again, "On my back. Now." I said. I know the kid hesitated because it's taking him a while to move, "Now," I repeated, and this time, he complied.

I felt him wrapped his arms around my shoulder and when he's locked in, I got up. Luckily, he's not that heavy.

"Why are you helping me?" he asked which made me chuckle.

"Who says this is helping? I can't let you get away now. You're a witness. And I don't show my face to random people. You're just lucky you've shown some potential, or else I would have just fed you to the sharks," I answered him.

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