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A/N: Ok, Im sorry. I've been gone for almost 5 months.

Things got in the way. I got caught up searching for a job and actually finding one and adjusting a lot that I needed to pause writing for a while.

Sorry this also happened as I was ending this ff, but don't worry I'm back with less time waiting (I hope).

There are only 3-5 chapters left for this so I hope you stick around! But after this, there will still be more J. M. content ;)

But for now, let's go back to business, shall we? ;)


*Y/N's P.O.V.*

A loud alarm broke the silence of the small room we are currently in and within a snap, both James and I are on peak of our senses again. The alarm sounded like a school bell which suddenly transitioned into the graduation march song.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to our sudden 'Graduation Rites'. As we all know, an old dear friend unfortunately has to undergo this procedure for the good of everyone. Hell is waiting for you, my friend, it's time to graduate now,"  the director's voice echoed inside the room and I'm assuming inside the whole building. He sounded like a proud yet annoyed principal, "But since we have an unexpected guest tonight, I guess I have to go over the rules - the rites tonight will involve 22 people, 1 graduate, 1 escort, and 20-people committee. The committee has one goal for tonight - to make sure that the graduand gets to graduate in any shape or form."

As I'm listening to this, I'm beginning to understand where James has gotten the drama flowing in his blood. I know they are going for the crypticness and drama, but it's really easy to understand - they just want Moriarty dead by letting 20 people hunt him down.

"To make things even more exciting, we'll also be giving a gift box per person, except for the escort because you weren't technically supposed to be here. So! These gift boxes will make things more interesting, they could be toys that you can use for your advantage or be used to give you a disadvantage. We'll announce it if your box has arrived, be sure to claim them quickly though, you don't want others claiming yours. So without further ado, let the graduation rites...begin!"

Right on cue as the music ended, Ray had finished his spill. Silence fell in the room again as we await for chaos to come.

"Was this a normal occurrence to you before? All this Association thing?" I asked James.

"Yes, there was a time where we're doing this monthly," he answered.

"Why didn't you tell me anything about this?"

"Same reason why I tried to leave you, but since you've fully accepted your place with me, welcome to a deeper hell, love. Let's get to work," he answered.

We didn't waste any time. Both of us know that we're greatly outnumbered, so we need to fight smart. James also said he's sure they know where we're located, so we have to start this game by disabling them from getting to us.

We also have no weapons, not just us but everyone in this building right now. He said this will inspire creativity and I do agree. Now, our arsenal are just every day office supplies.

"Don't hesitate. I assure you all of these bastards here with us are criminals. You see them, you kill them," James stopped in front of me while handing me a pen, "The sooner we eliminate all of them the better. We stay here until the boxes arrive, we need to get as much of it as possible," he instructed.

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