This Is War

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A/N: Did you guys know I panicked so much two days ago because this story completely DISAPPEARED from my works and library? And I literally couldn't find it anywhere, it's just saying the story was lost. Lol. Out of my panic, I emailed Wattpad and thankfully it was just a bug on their end and viola, I got the story back earlier.

I panicked because I don't have any kind of backup to this story. Imagine it ALL getting lost just like that. 😅

Well anyways, back to the story!

*James' P. O. V. *

The moment the knife went right through her skin, I immediately wanted to pull it out and do it again...and again...and again...and again. It took all my will to stop myself from stabbing Y/N to death. I could feel my limbs shaking and wanting more of this. I'm like an addict wanting to do hits after hits.

I held my breath and clenched my jaw so hard that I felt like my teeth are shattering.

My hand let go of the knife slowly as I get Y/N to sit down to the floor. She already lost her ability to speak and react to me. Even if that stab wasn't on a vital area, I made sure that it will still hurt her a lot.

"Don't," Y/N weakly reached for me then tried her hardest to hold onto to my shirt as if that's enough to keep me here. I could see her eyelids closing in on her eyes, she's near to faint from the injuries I've inflicted.

My body is still shaking so bad. I could still feel the urge to harm her or anyone for that matter. Seeing the blood on her and on my hands makes me crave violence more. I'm so done playing the patient one who's just sitting back and waiting for things to happen. It's excruciatingly slow so I'll take it from here and handle the doing of the happening instead.

I'm not going to let this day end without killing someone....but not this person in front of me. Not yet, at least.

"I'm doing this to save you, Y/N. Don't follow me," I told her as I stand up, forcing her grip off of me which made her hand land on the floor. She still tried to follow me with her gaze, but a second later, she's out of this reality.

What I said about saving her is the truth because if she's going to die during this war, it should be me that does it. Not anyone else. Going to Eurus with the thought of saving her pesky brothers will definitely bring her end, so I'll be taking this mission alone to myself.

Before leaving this disgusting place, I checked Y/N one more time to see if she's still alive. Obviously, she is. I think this girl is immune to death now considering the fact that she has faced a number of near-death injuries and is still right here, breathing.

I went on with my with my plan, starting with sending Watson a message that his friend is gonna die if he's not fast enough to get here. With one last check of the place and everything I need in it, I left with no intention of coming back.


"I hope you know what you are doing," the person that enabled me to do this asked me as he handed every equipment I asked from him. He's one of the few people that is within my most trusted network that chose to stay away from Eurus even after I was gone.

"I do...and that's to kill her. Pretty simple," I replied as I check everything before I leave.

"Moriarty, it's not that I'm saying you can't do this, but I would like to remind you that you're going against an army. I have people ready, you could ---

"No. I'm gonna do this alone," I said firmly and he stopped then simply nodded.

"Sebastian would call you vile names for doing something this stupid all alone," he said and with the mention of that name, I stopped moving. This person is one of the closest to Sebastian too and when he heard the news about what happened to him, the need for revenge ran through his veins as well. This is the main reason why he stayed away from Eurus, "Kill her, alright?" he added.

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