How The Mighty Fall

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*James' P. O. V. *

It's official, Y/N have ruined some part of me. There's really something about her that's attracting and I've fully let myself be pulled towards her.

But again, this isn't the typical thing, I still constantly want to hurt her...kill her. This isn't still normal and it's never going to be a Romeo and Juliet thing. The only description I could give right now is that she's the only person that I could tolerate the most at the moment and someone I don't want to die, well except of course if I'm the one to do it. And on that note, I'd like to eliminate anyone who wants to hurt her, well except for myself obviously, so I'm just going to start with Eurus.

Eurus was able to track me down the moment I left the hideout earlier and some of her people are already here to deliver me to her.

"Just make it easy for all of us, Mr. Moriarty. Ms. Holmes wants to see you," one of them approached me while I'm staying at this fancy restaurant after meeting up with someone I had business with earlier.

"Ms. Holmes? Which one? Remember there are two of them," I said in a playful manner, I know Eurus is listening from somewhere and I wanted to tease her.

"Ms. Eurus Holmes, of course," the man replied. I stood up after he answered me and I immediately know that three snipers began to point at my head.

"What? I just stood up so I can go with you to meet my friend. There's no need for that," I playfully said while buttoning my suit.

Of course, I had no intention to fight back. This is the perfect situation to start up the plan and I've already messaged Y/N to start their part. Sooner or later this will be over.

They began to escort me and we went on the roof deck of the place where their chopper is. I didn't want to waste any time so I just climbed up and let them take me to Sherrinford.

I just can't wait for that place to be in ruins.


"James! How have you been, dear?" Eurus was sitting on her chair comfortably while I was being escorted to her by her guards.

I'm finally at Sherrinford again and fortunately, she's oblivious to our real plan.

"Always been good, Eurus. But now I'm getting a bit claustrophobic because of your security," I answered playfully.

"Oh, how rude of me!" she was overacting, obviously showing that she's acting with every inch of sarcasm she has, "Leave us," she ordered and with that, they all left.

We're both in the conference area of the vicinity that has this huge window that has an overlooking of the sea outside.

"You took something that I want, James and I'll have you know, I didn't appreciate that," she stated as I sit down.

"Yours? What is exactly it, darling? Come on, I'm taking a lot of things from people every day. Give me more information," I said, teasing her more.

"I don't have time to play around, Moriarty," Eurus stood up, slamming her hands on the table but that didn't even make me flinch, "Why are you so interested with that girl anyway? If you want her dead, then you better just give her to me and I will do A LOT better than letting her meet death," she continued.

"I would like to do that on my own, darling. I don't need your help. I already told you that I got it and I don't like it when you interfere," I explained. Instead of getting angrier, Eurus just smirked after that.

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