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*Jim's P.O.V.*

"James, they are currently taking her away and there's a suspicious amount of guards around Baker Street, and it seems that Sherlock and Mycroft are escorting her," Sebastian reported to me and I smirked almost immediately after I heard what he has to say.

"Suit up, Sebastian. We're going to catch a plane." I smirked. Of course, I know what they are going to do, they are going to send her away so that I couldn't get her. I honestly want to laugh at that, the Holmes are really getting more stupid and boring as time goes by. They are thinking as if they can hide her away from me? I bloody want to get my hands on her again...torture her until her true self comes out, so I'm not stopping until I see her real self again.

I instructed my men to go where the Holmes are headed, we have to get there before they do so that I can give them a warm welcome. Soon enough, we arrived at this open field with a private jet on it, of course, it was an easy job to clean out the area. I climbed out of the car and smirked when I saw the jet up close. Well, this will be my way to get Y/N back. I snapped my fingers and some of my men walked up in the plane to clean it. Gunshots here and there are heard from inside the plane until finally, silence.

"All clear, Mr. Moriarty," Sebastian told me and I walked up inside the jet and I must say this is fancy even for my style.

"Perfect," I smirked and sat on one of the seats in there, crossing my legs and began waiting.

"Our pilot is already on his spot, James. You're ready to do once Y/N arrived." Sebastian said as some of my men carried the dead bodies out of the plane, their filthy blood is actually ruining the carpet, it's annoying. "Any more orders?" he continued pulling me out of my annoyance.

"Yes, make sure everything is in place. Don't let the Holmes be suspicious about anything, I need to meet the three of them." I told him and he nodded. "And, make sure the bombs are ready." I smirked and once again, he nodded before going out the plane.

Now, time to wait to make a fair trade.


*Y/N's P.O.V.*

The drive wasn't that long and we reached our destination in no time. It was just an open field and a single private jet was on it -- this is my way out of this mess. I sighed and just looked at it, I can't believe they're doing this again.

The car finally stopped as some of the guards surround the car, I guess it's from the government. I really feel like a VIP in here, being escorted by the consulting criminal and the England government. I honestly don't get why they are putting this much effort for hiding me away...these two are supposed to be sociopaths, why all of a sudden they care about my life so much?

Or maybe that's not what they are worried about? Sherlock even said it infront of my face earlier, I'm like a complex bomb...It's not that they are scared of what will happen to me, they are scared of the things that I might end up doing.

"No chance of getting away now, Y/N. Get off from the car." Sherlock said as he pulled me out of my thoughts. I just looked at him with no emotion as I climbed out of the car.

"I get it now, you both don't trust me," I murmured the moment I was out of the car and let them both hear me. They stopped their track to look back at me. "You're scared of what I'll become. You're scared that may end up like him or may end up being the third most dangerous person here in England next to him and Moran. It's never about me, it's always about what I can and might do," I told them straight forward and I saw Mycroft clench his jaw, but Sherlock remained firm.

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