You Will Miss Me {Last Flashback Chapter}

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*Flashback Chapter*

*Jim's P. O. V. *

I never thought that I'll be in this situation, but look at where I am right now...waking up in the middle of the night with someone next to me.

I've always thought that this is a waste of time, just a sudden pleasure which is less satisfying compared to killing or torturing someone...but somehow, it just happened last night. Yeah, it's still not better than killing and torturing people but it was something...something quite unexplainable and for the first time ever, I chose to leave to leave it in that state.

Y/N moved gently and she faced my side. I gazed at her and saw her peaceful and innocent face while sleeping...she actually looked like an angel which is actually disgusting. I don't like her this way, I like it when she's confidently smirking with rage and bloodlust screaming through her eyes, that's when she's beautiful. But I guess it couldn't be help, it's the way the human body works anyway: if they are asleep they would look peaceful like corpses.

I continued to stare at her, slowly running the back of my fingers on her cheeks. Y/N is interesting, I'll give her that...maybe it's because of her being twisted like me, because of her beautiful bloodlust, because she can talk and act confidently around me like we're equal...I like that everything about her, but for some reason there's this one thing about her that I like the most but I can't name it, something about her just excites me...excites my psychopathic side.

"I. Own. yoU," I slowly whispered while staring at her, "I and I alone," I found her and I'm claiming her. Her traits, her abilities, her intelligence, and his beautiful twisted self is the perfect fit to work with me and she chose the right side too. She's indeed claiming the crown along with me.

Soon everything will be under our control. I just needed to eliminate my play mate first...and after his fall today, everything will go according to plan.


*Y/N's P. O. V. *

Sherlock and James.

Those were the first two things that came to my mind the moment I opened my eyes. I have no idea why, but I suddenly just got worried about them.

Speaking of James, we slept together... I hurriedly looked beside me but he wasn't there anymore and by then I just realize that my body hurts too. Last night was...not a normal night and I should never let my brothers know that something like that happened.

I pushed myself to get up and I wasn't expecting that I'll still feel some kind of pain after last night, I never knew anything about this actually...I didn't even know why I let him. But what's done is done and somehow, even if I don't understand, I was glad that it happened.

"They'll totally lock me up in an insane asylum if they found out," I whispered to myself.

I let myself adjust for a while after I stood up, and after the pain disappeared I began to look for my clothes then I realized that the only thing I have in this room is my dress last night. Since I couldn't be bothered to put that dress on, I just took one of James' white shirt and boxers. I put them on before gathering my stuff. I also didn't dare look at anything else while inside his room, I'm sure there are traps in here and I don't want to blow my cover now, I've gone this far. After having a fair amount of clothing on me, I took my things and walked out of the room and since this is connected to his office, I needed to go through there first.

I walked out of the room and hated the fact that Sebastian was already inside the office. He immediately saw me and this is the first time I ever showed shyness here.

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