Knight In Blood-Soaked Armor

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*Logan's P. O. V*


My head and body wants to shut down. Every millimeter of movement gives an excruciating pain, but I can't give in yet.


I kept repeating in my head - letting that be my source of strength. She has always been that to me, but this is different now. That bastard took her and from what we've seen earlier, I'm horrified by the things he could do to her. I'm already frustrated that I failed to prevent them from taking her, but I sure won't just give up on sending rescue on her way. It's my fault why she was taken away.

I pushed myself to move from the cold and bloody floor. They did leave me to bleed to death when they took Y/N away. I looked dead anyway so they didn't even bother with me and I know I will eventually succumb to my injuries, but Y/N...she needs help. Even if it's not from me...I need someone to come her way.

With a scream filled with pain, I managed to get myself up. I was leaning on a table for support since my whole body feels like a jello that could fall apart with the weakest blow of wind, "Y/N, hold on," I murmured to myself.

I checked my pockets for my phone, but I already know that I've lost it earlier by the parking lot when I fought the guards that tried to get the poor kid back. Right from the start, I was outnumbered but there was no way I would let them touch that kid again. And with my full energy intact then, I managed hold the guards back and send the kid with the violin out of the area.

Unfortunately, that was enough to wear me out and being outnumbered by a hundred at this point, my worst fear had really happened.

I began to move my fragile body to scan the area and the excruciating pain I'm feeling is out of this world. They really had fun breaking my body and if it wasn't for what Y/N did, they would have beaten me to death. But truth be told? I would have preferred that over this...over knowing they have her and could do anything to her.

As I reached the place where she first fought those two guards, I noticed a phone on the floor. I gently kicked it near a wall and I let my body slide down to the floor again with the help of leaning against the wall. The phone now lies beside me and to my luck and surprise, it was Y/N's. The screen is already shattered but the most important thing right now is it is still working.

Thankfully, it doesn't have a password. I immediately opened it to call for help. I could immediately reach out and call 911, or even directly to the CIA or FBI for help, but I stopped when I saw the only saved contact number on the phone - Moriarty.

I had no idea if this was just the effect of being in so much pain or having a concussion but I came to the complete decision to call this person instead of my other options.

Why I suddenly trusted a psychopath, that I'm sure have put Y/N's life in so much danger, to save her right now is beyond me. All I know is I just have this gut feeling that out of all the people in this world, he is the one that could save and get to her as soon as possible.

I'm already on the brink of loosing consciousness and talking to him could be the last thing I'd be able to do with my last inch of strength. I finally fit the call button, thankfully the cell data here is working well.

The other line rang.....and rang.....and rang.....and rang, but no answer.

"Goddammit," I cursed under my breath. I'm beginning to think that my intuition failed me, but then a FaceTime call appeared on was from him.

"Look who decided to call." I heard and saw Moriarty on the broken screen. He was driving on the car and hasn't realized that Y/N isn't the one who answered. His tone was confusing though, he sounded relieved but also so full of himself. Again, I'm doubting my intuition. Can this guy really be willing to save her?

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