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~ Ten Years Later ~

The whole office of the division exploded into applause when Lestrade finally said my name and compared to all the missions and work I have done here, this moment is the one giving an anxiety level I haven't reached before. I stood there awkwardly next to him and gave a shy smile to everyone until they settled and finally go back to their work.

"I told you there's no need to do this, Greg," I said with much embarrassment on my face. As much as I want to get some credit, I don't want a bunch of people praising me like this and to be honest, not all people here are fond of me and what I do.

"They need to know how much you're helping the division, Y/N. You have been here working alongside our team for five years now and since the beginning, you've helped us tremendously just like Sherlock. To be honest, I could say you and your brother alone can run this place perfectly, " he told me as we walk back to his office.

It was ten years ago when I decided to take a break from this life and focus on another that was developing inside of me. The first five years of this break was fulfilling. I got the chance to stay with my foster parents again and focus on bringing up someone who came unexpectedly into my life. To be honest, I once thought I'd go insane by not being in this field for that long, but the kid I got proved me wrong.

As they say, time flies when you are having fun and that's exactly what happened to me. I had the time of my life raising this kid. It was a very different experience from the life I've always lived, but it was a welcomed one.

If I'm being poetic, I'd say this has fully refreshed me in some way.

After those first five years, we decided to go back here to London and since then, we've been staying next to Sherlock's apartment. I, fortunately, was qualified to be a private bounty hunter for this division and it did feel good to be back in this line of work and it's actually more thrilling because I am now a mom on the side.

"It's always a team effort, Lestrade. Don't give all the credit to us," I told him as I put down some paperwork I did on his table.

I was about to ask for recent updates on some cases when my phone suddenly rang. I immediately took it out and check who it was, but just saw a number on the screen, "Excuse me, I'll have to take this," I told him.

"Hello?" I answered the phone the moment I got out of his office.

"Hi. Is this Ms. Y/N Holmes? Mother of Declan Holmes?" a woman on the other line spoke. I immediately figured out that this is probably from his school because I can hear faint noises of kids in the background of the call.

"Yes. Who is this?" I asked.

"I'm sorry for calling you during work hours, Ms. Holmes, but we would like to request your presence here at the school right now. I'm one of the prefect faculty and there has been an incident. We want all parents of the involved students to be here immediately, " she said and I was in a bit of a shock.

"Is he okay?" that was the first thought I got in my mind, "Of course, I'll be there in no time. I'm not that far from the school," I said as I hurry to my car.

"Yes, there is nothing to worry about, Ms. Holmes. Declan is perfectly fine. We just need to talk to the parents, that's all," she explained.

"Alright. I'll be there immediately," I said and hung up the phone.

This was the very first time that this happened and understandably, I'm quite shocked and worried. And no, it's not because I don't trust Declan. I think this is just a normal reaction from any parent that would receive this call.

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