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*Y/N's P. O. V. *

"Really? Out of all the title that he could have given me he chose 'The Punisher'. That's just a lame name," I ranted when I kept on reading that name on the news paper and even on John's blog. That title was the one given to me -- the person who suddenly appeared that kills criminals for the last five months. And who gave that title? Sherlock. "It sounds like a failed movie title," I murmured.

"Your brother is not that creative, Y/N, or maybe he just really wants to mock you," James answered me. I thought he wasn't listening to my rant, but it turns out I was wrong.

"He's the consulting detective, and you're the consulting criminal, he even calls you the 'Napoleon of Crime' sometimes which just sounds so elegant, that title actually makes me think you're not that horrible, but come on who am I kidding here -- and then suddenly naming me as 'the Punisher'?" I continued.

I have no idea why I'm so bothered about it. It's actually funny that I find this more bothering compared to what I am doing for the last few months which is to kill a lot of people. With some sense though, the title really does suit me.

"Scarlettlock," James suddenly murmured. We're both inside his office and he finally looked away from his laptop to stare at me. I'm at the other end of the long conference table and we were the only ones right there.

"What?" I asked him.

"That's what I would call you. Scarlet is obviously a shade of the color red and I see that color whenever I look at you, more specifically bloody red. And lock, well, you could figure that out by yourself," he explained while wearing his evil grin.

"Lock, just like Sherlock, because you're as fascinated with me as you are to him," I teased while smirking at him. James let out a chuckle and his gaze went back to his laptop screen.

"Maybe,even more, darling," James murmured silently but I still managed to hear it.

This has been my environment since the moment I accepted to be a part of this again. We always have these snarky and feisty comments towards each other, but somehow, we are meeting halfway. It's so weird that I am saying this and remembering that I am talking about Moriarty, it just makes me look and feel a lot like him.

I decided to ignore him as I am used to these kinds of situations. I laid my eyes on my laptop screen. I exited all the articles that were about me and decided to continue to do my work which is to study this certain mission that James and I have now. I'm studying the pattern of this one man that crossed Moriarty which means I have to kill him, besides, he's a criminal too so he's on my list.

We're also in England again, we've left his private island for this certain mission and are now staying at one of his hideouts here. We've actually done this a couple of more times already and I'm impressed with myself because I never thought about escaping. For five months, I've really come down to the decision to stay with him, doing this and killing a lot of people during the process. Honestly, I should feel disturbed, but I am not.

But no, this doesn't mean that I am with Moriarty fully. My deal is still in effect, it's just like I'm a third party on his whom he outsource some of his killings and twisted acts, but I still have my rules. We also have these moments where we have each other's neck because I was against his plans. I've succeeded to stop him most of the time which he doesn't appreciate much, but when I lose...he's surely going to rub that on my face for days. I'm actually shocked that we haven't killed each other yet, I could really say that we can completely tolerate each other now.

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