Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind

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*Y/N's P. O. V.*

"Welcome back, lovelies. Enjoyed your vacation?" Eurus welcomed us the moment we got off the private plane that brought us back to this godforsaken island.

"It was great, my dear sister," I faked a wide smile as I hand over the violin to her, "There's your missing item."

"Wonderful! But the adventure to get this was more exciting, right?" she asked. Of course, I know she already knows what happened, but what I'm not sure is how much of it was planned.

I was already considering that Eurus may have planned all of what happened. She's that intelligent anyways, I'll never deny that.

"Was all of that a ploy to break me?" I asked straight-away. This is the best thing I could do to get my questions answered anyway.

"What? No. That wasn't the plan, Y/N. I only wanted you to meet the other Vaughn and that was it. I thought he'd do the job of taking care of you since apparently, someone in here takes care of you in another way," she said, her eyes going to James. "The events after that were all domino effect, but let me tell you, what I've seen and learned from that are way WAY better than I have planned and expected," Eurus replied. She wasn't lying when she said that, the joy she had in her eyes was obvious. She really did enjoy the mess after that night," Right, James?" she shifted her attention away from me and towards James who's been silent the whole travel back here.

James blocked and ignored everything around him and he continued to walk back to the main building. I thought Eurus would be annoyed, but she seemed amused by it for some reason.

"Yeah, I agree. It's way better because I got the opportunity to spend the holidays with Sherlock and Mycroft. They came for me in New York, but I'm sure you already know that," I casually said, "Unfortunately, they didn't send any gifts for you." I know it's a petty rebut but that's my best bet now.

Eurus' amused expression was changed when she stared at me again. It's now irritation masked with a sarcastic smile.

"Well, holiday is over, darling. Back to hell for you," she said, "Get yourself at home again, lovelies," she said before walking away.

We were being escorted back to our room and I can see James walking way ahead of me. Like I have observed, something was different about him since the moment I came back after my brothers fixed me.

Yes, he's still that demented psychopath that enjoys all the violence in this world. Yes, he's still that charming devil will get everything he wants. Yes, he's that asshole that won't hold back his thoughts and broken ideas, but now, I could see him repressing something.

I have a guess to what it may be, but honestly, I'm still not fully believing he could be in that situation...not someone who declared he doesn't have a heart.


*James' P.O.V.*

"Can you stop killing my people, dear? The sharks around this island are too well-fed now," Eurus approached me while I was in the open field, trying to occupy myself with playing golf with a bloody golf club.

"He was in my way," I replied.

"Like the other twelve from these past two days, perhaps?" Eurus continued, she sat by the small patio area near me.

"You are all in my way," I said as I hit the golf ball. Some of the blood from the club splattered.

"Touchè," she smirked at me, "You know, I'm not going to play around anymore. Come and talk here, I have something in mind that you might want to hear," Eurus beckoned for me to come.

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