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*Y/N's P.O.V.*

He was right. I will come back begging to him again. Daniel Vaughn had surpassed my absolute limit, but I need to see the rotten man again. I can't lose any of the two person with me, and unfortunately, if I want to save them, I need to crawl back to him.

Declan barely has his consciousness intact. The poison was affecting him at a pace I couldn't catch up. He tries so hard to keep himself up, even try to convince me that we should just head straight to the pod and leave, but if I do that, there's no telling if an antidote will be ready for them out there. Time is of the essence here and right now, Vaughn is the person that can give me a solution to this.

"We have no choice. We have to find him," I said, getting Declan on my back. My kid is very pale and his nose had been bleeding more and more. I can't just stay here and look at them like this.

Honestly, I was waiting for James to talk back, but I think the poison was quickly getting to him too. He looked weak and just a minute ago, his nose started to bleed as well.

The moment I was able to stand with Declan on my back, I lend out a hand to him, "Come on."

James didn't disagree, he just grabbed my hand and helped himself up. I guided him for a while until he was able to balance himself.

I know he's burning inside, both physiologically and metaphorically. I'm sure he feels humiliated - being injured like this because he protected someone and not only someone, but a mere kid. Like he said earlier, people can see our movements in here and to be watched by doing something heroic, it must have been revolting to him.

Another major thing is, he's now badly poisoned which renders him to fully go crazy on Vaughn. He was limited again and this time, it was because of his kid.

"Vaughn!!" I shouted in frustration and my voice echoed through the whole building, "Tell me where you are and let's get this thing over with!"

The internal and non existent clock in my mind had been deafening. I hated being constrained by time and knowing that if I failed, it's their lives on the line.

"I'm here, sweetheart. Better make it quick," Vaughn answered from free levels below. I swear if I'm the only here, I would have jumped from here already, I don't care anymore, but I should...I can't let any of us die here.

We hurried to go down and I realized that this floor is the one that Declan wants us to be in as this is where the pod is. Good. Just get the antidote and leave.

Looking ahead on this long hallway, I could only see 1 room open and I'm sure he's confidently waiting for us there. We continued to walk, James was a little bit in front of me. He's weak yet eager, I'm sure he wanted this to end already.

"Ah. There you are. See where these all led you?" he said mockingly. Fortunately, he did look weak and I could see that his arm is still bleeding even when a cloth was wrapped around it, "Back to me."

"You're not gonna walk out of this room alive, Vaughn," I muttered while putting my kid down near the door.

"M-mom," he murmured weakly and my heart just breaks seeing him like this.

"You'll be fine, Declan. Trust me," I said before facing him again.

"Give me the antidote," James finally spoke, his voice suddenly dominating the room.

"Oh, these?" Vaughn took out two clear vials with yellow liquid in them. On instant sight, James began to charge at him, "Not like that, Jimmy." But as fast as James moved, he stopped when Vaughn gestured he's about to drop both vials on the floor.

The Science of Illusion || James Moriarty x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now