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*Y/N's P. O. V.*

The bright lights that welcomed me the moment I opened my eyes immediately blinded me. I felt my pupils burn and I had to rapidly blink to let it adjust. As I was doing so, I slowly began to remember things.

Everything seemed blurry. Things are coming back to me piece by piece, but my groggy mind can't put anything together. I wanted to focus, but I'm so lost and can't understand anything. I'm definitely in some kind of relaxant.

"Y/N? Can you hear me?" I suddenly heard someone's voice. My eyes finally adjusted and when I looked to my left, I saw John worriedly looking at me.

"W-where...--" I tried to speak a coherent sentence, but before I can even get any more words out, he cut me off.

"Oh, thank God you're finally awake. Are you feeling any pain? Do you need anything?" he asked.

It took me a while to understand him and when I did, I shook my head no.

"Good. I need you to stay calm, alright? I know you're probably confused, but I promise we'll fill you in with every detail later. We just first need to make sure you're alright," he said and I nodded again.

John left me for a while and came back with a doctor and some nurses. They did examine me, asked me basic questions that I had some hard time answering.

"She's all good now. She just needs some time to rest and heal up the wounds and injuries and to wash off the effect of the medicine. After two more days, she can recover at home," I heard the doctor explained.

John thanked them before they leave the room.

" long was I out?" I asked, remembering the doctor's two MORE days comment.

"You've been out cold for two days, Y/N," John answered as he sits down next to my bed.

"Why and how did I get here?" I asked, the lack of answers I have were already getting in my head.

"Sherlock received a message that someone has brought you here for an emergency. You had a bad concussion and had a lot of injuries," he answered, "You don't remember anything?" he slowly asked.

"I can... I just can't remember everything," I said. John hummed and it looked like he wanted to say something, but stopped himself from doing so. It's also bothering how he's looking at me with worry and pity.

"Don't push yourself too hard. It's better if you slowly remember things. Sherlock and Mycroft will be here in a while. Do you need anything? Are you hungry? Thirsty? Anything at all?" John said and slowly, his voice seemed to go further away from me until I can't hear him anymore.

I know I'm still conscious, I can still see the plain white sheets and blanket of this hospital bed that I'm intensely staring at. It was just my mind that slipped away. Not long after losing John's voice, I began to hear another one. This time, it was my voice. Distress and plead can definitely be heard within the words spoken.

'Just one more miracle, James.'

I heard and that's all it took.

Information rammed my brain like an unstoppable train. But even with the chaos happening in my mind, I remained still...just staring into nothingness.

"Is he really dead?" I murmured before looking at John who's probably waiting for that question but wasn't ready to answer it. John looked at me with hesitation in his eyes.

"Let's just wait for your brothers, Y/N. They can explain it better than ---" he stopped mid-sentence, probably seeing I'm pleading for just a simple yes or no answer. John sighed and slowly nodded, "They retrieved the least what remained of him after the explosion. Everything also checked out. The DNA was a perfect match," he answered. I can see him regretting answering my question, but I appreciate that he answered me outright.

The Science of Illusion || James Moriarty x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now