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Felicity has been showing more signs of her vampire characteristics than I did when I was her age. AN SHES ONLY THREE DAYS OLD!. she's already drinking large amounts of blood and her aging is at an incredibly fast speed, my mother and slenderman think her aging will slow down when she reaches maybe three or five like I said she's only three days only but she looks three months acting like it to.

Now I know how my mom felt when she said I was growing up to fast. right now I'm currently in felicity's nursery rocking her in the rocking chair while she makes gurgling sounds. "hey" Blake says walking in "hey how's baby jack doing?" I ask, felicity isn't the only one growing at a fast rate baby jack now looks like he's seven! God I feel old. "well his aging is slowing down at a normal rate now he looks like he's seven and he is defiantly acting like it he's already pulled seven pranks" he replies rubbing the back of his head "did he hit you in the back of your head or something?"

"No but Patrice did when I told her she needed to learn how to control her kid after he threw a water balloon at me that was filled with read paint and might I add Patrice can hit fucking hard" I shake my head scowling at him "never tell her how to raise jack she'll eat your heart out I remember once I told her to use whole milk instead of two percent for jack and she flipped shit on me" "god I know it's like she's pregnant all over again!" Blake says laughing.

"Who's pregnant all over again?" EJ says walking in "we were just talking about how Patrice is acting like she was pregnant again" I say laughing handing felicity to EJ "awe! She's so cute" EJ says cooing at her, Blake and I laugh as she starts hitting his mask "ok! Ow ow she's not so cute anymore!" He says handing her to Blake, Blake smiles down at her and she smiles back one of those cute little baby smiles. EJ walks across the room sitting in one of the little panda beanbag chairs and might I say it looks hilarious. "never thought if see a cold blooded killer sit in a fluffy panda chair" I say amused " I never thought I'd see you start a family! It's like just yesterday you were a tiny little baby who would throw her smashed baby food at anyone who got in her way" he laughs "oh yeah!! My dad still hasn't gotten the baby food stains out of his favorite hoodie" I say and we all laugh and unison.

"Yeah! And it's pissing me off I mean it's my favorite hoodie and I can't go killing in it!!" Dad says walking in "so? It's not like it will matter.." Blake says "just because I'm killing people doesn't mean I can't dress nice for the occasion" "why dress nice you will just get blood on it" EJ states "well it might matter to the person I'm killing" dad says "what the hell. it's not like there going to say nope sorry you can't kill me you have a stain on your hoodie if anything there going to be running away from you screaming don't kill me you psychopath" I say and he opens his mouth then closing it not sure how to reply "well th- no.. um maybe... no" he starts but then makes a hmp sound and storms out. EJ facepalms... well more like facemasks but whatever "it swear he has issues" EJ says "yes and I have issues" I coo to felicity who's making faces at me while in Blake's arms.

"You can't say that to a baby" EJ says "why?".

" That's just something you don't say to a baby!" He replies. "you can say anything to a baby as long as you make faces and use a happy voice. yes you can awe!" I coo to felicity while talking to EJ, EJ sighs getting up and leaving the room "well... that was... proactive" Blake's states choosing his words carefully "ADDIE!!!" Little jack says running in "HEY JAY!" I reply swooping him up in my arms. everyone has started calling little jack, jay because let's face it two Jacks is enough just not everyone is use to calling him Jay yet we are all use to calling him Baby or little Jack.

"How's my favorite jack?" I ask him "HEY!!!" I hear LJ and EJ yell. "I'm awesome Auntie Addie! Guess what daddy got me!!" He replies excitedly.
"What did he get you?" I ask. "he got me a car!! That can ride in and everything!!" He states "that's so cool!" I set him down on his feet and he runs out "ok give me my baby" I tell Blake and he hands me felicity "lord you can't not hold her for less than an hour".
"Oh hush up" I say waving him off "I just love my little city so much! Myers i do yes I do!" I say once again cooing at felicity. "city? That's what your calling her now? What happen to belly or little bell?" BEN says walking in and taking my baby. I glare at him "yes now shut up".

I sigh walking downstairs leaving Blake and BEN with felicity in the nursery and walking outside and running vampire speed to the park.

"Finally the outside world" I state sitting on a swing. during my pregnancy I wasn't allowed out of the house due to my as my dad says 'accident prone self' or like Blake likes to say 'destructive self'. honestly I don't see what there talking about, "well look who's here!" I hear a male voice say turning around seeing Damien and his goons "ugh!! Can't I go one fucking day in the park without seeing smelly mutts". "you better watch what you say leech!" One of his goons snap "now now Greg be nice" Damien says... so I'm guessing goon number one is Greg, wonder who number two is? Welp let's find out shall we!

"Hey Damien! What brings you to my neck of the woods?" I ask since it's true there in MY territory and if they just came to fight nu uh mamma don't play like that! Haha it's funny cause I can actually say that now and it be accurate since I'm a mom and all. "oh you know just came to chat how's my favorite little destructive filled vampire been" Damien asks taking a few steps closer. "oh you know the usual although giving child birth can ware a girl out" I say and start dramatically fanning myself.
"You leeches can multiply like that" goon number two sneers "no shit Sherlock" I say like it's the most obvious thing. "you had a kid?" Damien says stopping and raising an eyebrow "yup!" I say popping the p and turning around to watch the sunrise "shouldn't you be worrying since the sun is coming up?" Greg asks "wow. Damien you have some really smart friends" I say sarcasm dripping from my words, sighing I say "no I don't need to worry the sun doesn't affect vampires".

"Please don't tell me you sparkle like that stupid twilight shit" goon number two says .

( no offense if you like twilight personally I like the movie )

I turn to Damien who had his brows furrowed in .. concentration?
"Well I would say it was nice seeing you again but that would be a lie so uh later" I say running back to the mansion at full speed. walking through the front door I see Patrice holding felicity while Jay is talking to her showing her his toy cars. wonder where everyone is? "They all went out killing I got stuck on baby duty" Patrice says answering my unspoken question, I nod sitting beside her and putting on finding nemo taking felicity and placing her in my lap. Jay crawls up onto Patrice's lap and we all turn to watch the movie eventually us all falling asleep on the couch felicity on my chest and Jay in Patrice's arms.

Well today was eventful.


Another update shall be posted soon I think this one is a little longer then the last so uh yeah enjoy! And don't forget to comment and vote if you liked my story and possibly follow? Btw pic above is Little Jack xD

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