Bird boy

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~Addie's P.o.v~

Dream: age:2

I woke up up watching that thing turn round and round above my crib I've always wondered what it was..

I then notice a man watching me, he had orange hair an tail and ears... He was just staring at the wall. he looked over at me look of surprise and protectiveness was in his eyes. he then picked up my favorite toy Dollie and started to play with me silently until he heard something, I can tell cause his ear twitched just like smile's does. he jumped out of my window and hid behind a tree.

Just then my daddy came in.

"Hey how's daddy's little killer?" he says and picks me up.

"Daddy!" I squeal with happiness and my daddy made a fishy face, I start to poke his cheek and he laughs.

"Your definitely a odd child" he says and I pout.

"Ok ok well it's time for your party killer" he says and starts carrying me out of the room, I look back and see the man is gone... I'm going to call him boo cause he is like a ghost one minute he's there and the next he is not.

End of dream:

I woke up from that really odd dream and went to look in my closet and see what I use to looks like I had a really dark style, I put on leather pants and a shirt that said smile and combat boots along with a leather jacket and spiked bracelets. I straightened and teased my hair.

I go downstairs and see the tall man in the kitchen... dammit I forgot his name.. what was it? uh slim Jim?

"Child my name is slenderman but you can call me slender or slendey like everyone." he says

"Nah I'm still going to call you slim Jim" I say and he sighs in irritation.

"...I'm going for a walk"

"Be back soon and be careful you might get attacked so here take your knives" he says handing me 2 butchers knifes. I take them in my hand and memories of killing and delicious screams and pleas flood my memory.

I go outside and run towards a huge ass tree and decide to climb it.

I was half way up the tree when a raven decide to attack me and start clawing and pecking at my head.

"Go away you fucking raven do I look like a damn worm to you!!!!!!" I scream and take the crow by the neck and crack it. I realized I was I was still clinging to the tree using one hand.. ha! I love my vampire strength.

"Why the fuck did you kill my bird!!" a man with huge black wings, black eyes, black hair and pale skin wearing black jeans and nothing else said.

"Well I'm sorry if your stupid bird thought I was a snack" I say, I look behind him and see a bunch of ravens... well shit.

I jump down gracefully from the tree and I guess raven boy decided to follow because he was now standing behind me, I noticed the birds were gone and that's good I hate birds and I have a feeling they hate me too.

I don't think bird boy knows that I know he is following me.

I abruptly stop and turn in a flash to face him. "may I ask why bird boy is following me?". He looked shocked like he never gets caught.

"How did you know I was following you?!" he says

"I just did" I say and start walking again and he follows me... again-.-

"Look your really annoying and I don't like people behind me Sooo leave me alone! before I snap you in two like I did with your little birdy friend Kay? kay." I yell and he looks shocked then angry

"Well maybe I will claw your eyes out while the rest of my birdy friends eat you alive!!!!" he yells back

"UGH!!! oh my god your so fucking annoying!" I yell and start stomping back to the house

"Uh I wouldn't go there if I were you" he says smirking

"Why not"

"Because it's not safe for ya little girl" he says. we are now standing a few feet away from the house.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST FUCKING CALL ME" I say anger in my eyes and venom in my voice.

"Uh little girl" he says smirking

"DAAAAAAD!!!" I scream and my dad runs out with his knife in hand and yells frantically


"BIRD BOY OVER HERE!" I yell and bird boy looks shocked and says "Jeff I didn't know you had a daughter?"

"Sweetie daddy can't kill him that's uh... janes son"

"Who the hell is jane?" I say

" My enemy... the one who slendey is having her and uh her son over there move in" he says and my mouth drops and I begin to pout.

"FINE BUT I SWEAR TO HOD IF ONE OF YOUR STUPID BIRDS POOP IN MY ROOM I WILL KILL THEM" I say and bird boy rolls his eyes and we hear slim Jim yell dinner

We were all sitting at the dinner table dad and jane were glaring at each other, mom was talking to slendey and me and bird boy were loathing at each other.

"Your a bitch you know that right" he grumbles.

"Thank you and your dirty ass bird who shits over everything and has the knowledge of a fly now please stop stating the obvious"

"Yikes glad I'm not you" BEN says

"It use to be you Addie would slap you around like a rag doll" Maskey said laughing.

"HA! I did?" I ask and Maskey nods

"How could you not remember?" bird boy says rudely and I look away and then take my plate to the sink and mumble "I'm done" and go to the living room.

I start to play COD and was on a killing strike till someone stepped in front of me making me die.

"What the hell man!" I yell at bird boy and he rolls his eyes and says " well my moms making me apologize for being rude so sorry" he says not meaning it

"Awe apology not forgiven.. do you even have a fucking name" I say/ask

"Of course I have a name but I'm not gonna tell you" he says and I smirk coming up with a idea

"Daddy?" I ask as he sits down beside me.

"Yes sweetie"

"What's bird boys name?"


I smile victoriously and jake rolls his eyes. "I'm still probably calling him bird boy" I say going to my room and I hear jake groan loudly in irritation.

I take a quick shower and change into black pajama pants and a grey tank top.

I climb into bed and let the darkness consume me...

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