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~Addie's P.o.v~

"HOLY SHIT!!!" I scream bending over and holding my large stomach and that when I see a gush of fluid pour out from under my skirt "mom!! Dad!! Blake!! Slendey! Joy!! Patrice!!! My water broke!!!"

"Then get a new water bottle" BEN says coming out from the kitchen "not that water dumb ass" I say grinding my teeth. he just looks at me for a minute before his eyes go wide "oh" he say quietly and I nod my head "YEAAAH so get someone!" I screech sitting on the couch "EWWWW people sit there" he says and I give him a death glare "alright alright I'll get slendey"

"Already here child" slendey says coming in with my mom who was carrying multiple things "ok oh wow your already 10 cm" my mom says and just then Blake comes I'm who was arguing with jake "Blake no to for arguing your child will be here soon" slendey says "ah sit this hurts" I say clutching my stomach as Blake runs over grabbing my hand while jake just stands there like the lite awkward turtle he is.

"Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow o- Blake Shut up I'm the one in labor!!" I scream cutting him off from his owing "your the one that's breaking my hand!!" He screeches and I glare at him . Patrice walks through the door holding baby jack on her hip with one arm while her other hand is holding LJ hand claw thingy. she takes one look around and bust out laugh she let's go of LJ's hand and points at Blake "I'm surprised he hasn't passed out yet"

"Shut up" he mumbles "ok sweetheart get ready to push 1...2...3 push!" My mom says "hey what's going on"my dad says walking in takes one look at me and passes out "oh great you can gut someone like a fish rip out tongues gorge eyeballs but you can't watch your daughter give birth" I say panting and then start pushing again.

It felt like eternity until I felt the pain stop and baby cries, I look up to see my mom holding a small pale baby with black hair my mom washes the baby off. "it's a girl" she says placing the small bundle in my arms smiling I look down seeing big blue eyes that run in my vampire family let alone my dad's family's blue eyes "she's beautiful. what should we name her?" Blake asks "felicity?" I say looking up at Blake and he smiles "wonderful felicity bell" he says I look up to see already clean and that slenderman teleported us to my room.

"Hold on I'll go get the cradle" Blake says and I nod and gaze back into my daughters beautiful blue eyes she looks at me and gives me one of those adorable baby smiles.

"Welcome to the world felicity bell" I whisper


Short but sweet ill try to make to next updat much faster




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