No more suprises

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~Addie's P.o.v~

I woke up the next morning and put on bright red skinny jeans and a tight black shirt and converse, I straightened my hair and teased it like usual and walk downstairs to eat breakfast.

I grab a bag of red vines to see what they taste like.

Everybody was watching me with a frightened look, I took a bite and yelled "OH MY GOD THIS IS THE SNACK OF THE HEAVENS!" and they all groaned and I have BEN a dirty look when he mumbled "not again".

Just then I heard jane yell.

"JACOB ARKENSAW GET YOUR ASS OUT OF BED NOW!" and then something hit the floor and a bunch of bird boy's cursing.

My mom was talking with jane about fashion, for some reason my mom and jane get along but jane and dad don't..

I was talking with Maskey about random shit when jake came down.

I look over my shoulder to see him.. something missing.. wait a minute "where the hell did your wings go!"

"I put them away" he says and I glared

"Seriously bird boy where's your wings?" I ask

"Uh like I said before away" he says coldly

"Awe who pooped in your cereal this morning one of your ugly ass birds?"

"Shut up" he says with venom in his voice "great comeback you should get the Nobel prize" I say and he rolls his eyes.

I smile and go outside but that's when I was tackled to the ground.

"THE FUCK!?!?!?" I screamed and everyone ran out and I noticed to girls hugging me.

"Why are their people hugging me!" I exclaim

"Addie I can't believe your alive oh my god it's a miracle!" one screamed

"Ow dude my fucking ears!" I scream..yeah I know I'm complicated

Just the BEN and LJ came over LJ taking one girl off but the other one just wouldn't let go.

"Babe come on get off Addie" BEN says

"No!" she says like five year old."joy come on please let Addie up" he says and she reluctantly gets up.

"Damn why am I the one who always gets attacked" I ask to no one in particular

"Maybe cause your weak" jake says

"Hey! don't make me snap you in two also bird boy" I snap and he rolls his eyes and says "real scary" i take out my butchers knives and reply with " do you wanna go to bed?" And my dads head shoots up and he runs over to me.

"Addie? do you remember saying that ever?" dad asks

"Eh not really it just felt right to say I didn't even mean to say that it just came out subconsciously I guess"

" I think her old self is returning she's becoming meaner sassy and getting her killers instinct back" slim Jim says popping up behind me scaring the shit out of me "DUDE I TOLD YOU NOT TO FUCKING DO THAT YOU GIANT FUCKING OCTOPUS"

"WAIT! you remember that?" my dad say "n-no it just came out like I wasn't even controlling my mouth" I say

"It should be normal your memory should start returning soon do you remember anything" slendey says

"Well I had a dream about when I was a baby" I say

"About?" everyone says well except for jake I don't know we're he went and frankly I don't care.

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