Holy shit

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~Addie's P.o.v~

[2 weeks later]

I've been trying to find Blake for two fucking weeks now and it's getting tiring, I search form 6:30 am to 10:00 pm it's 9:54 pm right now.

I was about to head back to the hotel with someone with orange hair climbing into a window caught my eye.


I start running to the house when I run into something hard... more like someone.

"Well look who it is"

"Damien" I hiss

"Melanie Melanie Melanie or should I say Addie"

"Damn it took you that long to figure it out and to think I thought you were some what smart" I say

"Addie you should watch your mouth remember your out numbered" Damien says and gestures to his pack members behind him.

"Oh my Zalgo just move out of my way mutts and no one gets hurt"

"Awe look she thinks she can beat us you know I liked you better when you were Melanie" he says

"And I think I liked you better when you weren't such a dick NOW MOVE OUT OF MY FUCKING WAY!" i say/yell and he's eyes go dark with anger

He takes a swing at my head and I swiftly block it and sweep my foot making him fall to the ground. I position my hands around his neck ready to kill him if needed.

The others start to growl at me.

"Take one step I tear out his throat" I threaten

"Now be a good little puppy and leave me ALONE" I say squeezing his neck making him gasp for air.

I take him by the neck and throw him and take off running to the house once more.

When I got to the house the smell of air lingers in the air.

I search frantically through the house but nothing's here except dead bodies.

"God dammit!" I scream and punch a hole in the wall. "why is this so fucking difficult!"

I walk out of the house and start running back to the hotel.

Once I get to my hotel room I flop on my bed and start screaming into my pillow.

Just then my phone starts ringing, I pick it up and look at the caller ID... dad

D=Jeff/dad a=Addie

D- Baby when are you coming home I miss my little girl!! he whines

"Hey I'm happy I finally get a little peace and quiet" I hear Blake say and I scream into the phone for him to shut up.

A- Dad I told you I'm not coming home till I find Blake

D- why can't we just send Maskey or hoodie or maybe Toby

A- no dad I go to go bye love you

I hang up before he can say anything else. I get up and go on to the balcony and sit in one of the lounging chairs and watch the stars and eventually fall asleep.

"Huh?" I say when I realize I'm in bed.

"I thought I fell asleep outside...oh well"

I get up out of bed and put on some clothes and go search for Blake once more.

I start my search in the park but absolutely no one is outside it's like a ghost town...

I keep walking till I reach a alley and see Blake.

I was about to call his name when a girl runs up to him and kisses him. tears start streaming down my face.

Why?? why did this happen to me?

"Addie?" he says

I start running away and he follows.

No I got to go faster I don't want to see him.

"ADDIE!" he screams before I run faster and he's not in my line of sight any more I slow until I'm standing in a street I'm not familiar with I go to the house and the stink of old blood can be smelled in the house.

I go into one of the bathrooms and there's blood on the ground as well as a carving knife and it looks like burnt eyelids, I look in the mirror above the sink and in blood there's words that spell out beautiful.

What the hell???

"Brother how could you do this!!!!" a boy that looks like a younger version of my uncle liu comes in soaked in blood with stab wounds on his stomach.

"Huh?" I say

"Huh! that's all you can say! how could you kill our parents jeffry!" he screams

I look in the mirror but I'm not me I look like a younger version of my dad!!

Ok this is some jerry springer shit..

Liu comes at me with a knife and I run and jump out the bathroom window.

I start running till I'm in the woods again.

"Well Jessie this is my favorite place in the woods" Damien says

"It's lovely" I squeal

What the fuck I can't even control my body anymore.

"Yeah but not as lovely as you" he says and comes over and kisses me, I wrap my arms around his neck.

I glance a look at myself in a mirror and see that I'm Jessie.

Damien changes into a wolf and 9 other wolves come out.

I scream in fear and Damien lunges at me tearing out my neck.

He shifts back into his human form and says "it was fun killing you like it was fun killing your grandfather and you were right I did kill Jessie and it was fun" and the leaves I take another glance at the near by pound and see I'm me again before I was a vampire.

"Addie" Blake yells and cradles me In his arms.

"No Addie stay with me"

"Blake I love you" I say and all of the sudden I'm standing in the middle of a different part of the woods.


"Addie I love you so don't ever say I don't care" jake says with me in his arms

I pull away and just then crows come out and start attacking me.

"AHHH!" I scream as the crows start tearing at my flesh.

Just then Damien comes out in his wolf form and lunges for my head.

"AHHH" I scream and wake up in a cold sweat panting

"Holy shit"

"It was just a dream " I say trying to reassure myself.

I look around and see it's still extremely dark. I get out of the lounge chair and go inside and lay down in the bed figuring I should try to get more sleep.. if I can fall asleep.

( A/N I shall update again soon anyway bye!)

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