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[ 6 months later ]

~Addie's P.o.v~

I was currently sitting on the floor playing with baby jack when jane asks "have you seen jake?"

"No" I say

"I swear that boy is trouble" jane says and walks off.actually I haven't seen jake for 6 months ever since I came back home with Blake, I sigh and pick up baby jack and place him in his crib and he makes a pouty face.

"Awe your just to cute!" I say and poke his nose and he giggles.

I sit on the couch and turn on the t.v. and the reporter says there was 27 murders last night..

"Dad did you go on a killing spree!" I yell "no! why?!"

"Cause the reporter says there was 27 murders last night!"

"Oh no ..I was with your mom doing things!"

"Ewwwwww that's fucking gross dad!" I yell

"Don't knock it till you try it! wait! no don't try it don't ever try it!" he screams and I roll my eyes

"Be back later" dad yells and I hear him leave.

I start watching tv again when I hear a loud crash from Joys room, I run upstairs and see some type of robot cyborg thingy fighting Joy and Patrice.

"What the fuck is going on!" I yell and throw robot dude into a wall. his eyes fill with fury and he runs at me and was about to hit me when Patrice grabs his ankle and flips him.

he kicks Patrice in the stomach and that's when Joy runs at him with her Samurai sword and swings it at his head, robot dude blocks it with ease and sweeps his leg under her making her fall to the ground.

I take out my butchers knife and swing at him and he ducks. "what the fuck are you!?!?" I yell and he smirks...dick

I do a high kick making him fall to the ground , he jumps back up and twist my arm up to my shoulder blade and I scream out in pain. the robot/ cyborg dude holds a gun to my temple and says " Bloody X Basshead your coming with me or your little friend gets it!"

"No fucking way and you better fucking let her go now!!" they both yell and shift into a fucking cyborg. "OKAY! WHO THE FUCK IS HE AND WHAT THE HELL! HOW DID YOU DO THAT!" I scream freaking out

"They didn't tell you I'm there father" he says and Patrice scoffs and joy says "likewise"


"Addie calm down are mom is creepypasta and are sorry excuse for a father is a cyborg" Patrice says glaring at her dad who still had the gun to my head.

"Why didn't you tell me!?!?"

"We didn't think you would need to know" joy says "oh you didn't think to say oh I'm half cyborg also and my crazy ass father my try to eventually kill us!?!"

"Well I- enough do as I say or I'll kill her!" their dad says cutting joy off and they sigh in defeat, he throws a pair of handcuffs to joy and says "put these on your sister and then come here"

She reluctantly does so and comes over to him, he quickly grabs her and puts the gun to her head so I can't stop him, he puts and handcuffs on joy and then takes a lap...what does he want the lamp for???

He throws the lap at me and I try to block it but before I do it hits me in the head making me fall to the ground and I pass out.

[ 2 hours later ]

"Addie!" I hear someone yell and I slowly come to, I see Blake and the others standing above me looking worried.

"Huh?" I say but then everything comes up the cyborgs, the fight....the lamp

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