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~Addie's P.o.v~

I was currently walking through the woods bored out of my fucking mind... why am I walking in the woods ask? Because all the pastas were playing truth or dare and slendy just had to pick dare Sooo the point is my dad dared him to dress up in a pink ballerina outfit and do the Harlem shake... that was truly horrifying he ended up going into a closet.

Sighing I pull out my knife twirling it between my fingers. "well well well if it isn't my niece Addalyn", I turn around seeing liu.

I stomp my foot and say "hey fucktard don't call me Addalyn"

"Oh that's right your names bitch isn't it?" He says.
"Don't make me gut you like fish and tear out your vocal cords hang you by your intestines on someone's front porch so they can see my lovely masterpiece" I threaten

"Your annoying" he states
"And your a dick I thought we settled this"
"No but we will write now" he says bitch slapping me and I fall to the ground.
"You just bitch slapped me!" I yell getting up and kneeing him multiple times in the balls, I then take my knee up kneeing him in the stomach at the same time grabbing my ankle twisting it to were I fall flat on my face and then breaking my ankle.

I scream out in pain, I get up ignoring the pain and high kicking him in the face with my good foot. Somehow we managed to be right in front of the mansion again...

Liu then kicks me in the stomach sending me into a nearby tree.
I get up running at him with full speed biting into his neck tearing at it to were it makes him scream out in pain.

He yanks my teeth out of his neck and I wipe away the blood dripping from my chin.

Liu runs at me and throws me into the mansions wall making it crumble to the ground.

"What the hell is going on!" I hear Slendy's voice say.

"He/she started it" liu and I yell
"Nu uh your the one who bitch slapped me"
"You called me a fucktard!!"

"I don't care who started it you broke my wall!!!! Liu go home I'll talk to you later Addalyn up to your room" slendy says

"Don't call me Addalyn " I mumble walking up to my room slowly
"Now!" Slendy says
"Ok god damn!" I say and I run to my room.

"Oh my Zalgo what happened?!" Blake says "my uncles a fucktard that's what happened"
"I'm going to take a shower" I say grabbing some pajamas and going to take a shower.

Once I was out of the shower and dressed I sat on my bed next to Blake and that's when slendey came in.


"Well technically liu did by throwing me into the wall" I say

"Ugh! I'm taking all the pastas out for a killing spree but you Addie are staying here as the bailer" he says

"WHAT?!?!?!! Why!!!" I scream
"Because you broke my wall!!" He says
" I told you liu did it!!"
"Your body impacted my wall!! Your staying!" He screams
" DAMN FINE ARE YOU OB YOUR OCTOPUS FUCKING PERIOD OR SOMETHING!" I scream and his face goes red and he storms out.

".....Damn what crawled up his ass and died" Blake says
"I don't know" I say kissing his cheek
"You missed"
"No I didn't"
"Yes your suppose to kiss right here" he says and kisses me passionately on the lips, I then bite his lower lip and he growls while I giggle.

Blake gets on top of me making the kiss deeper and his hand trails slowly up my shirt and few second later are close were on the floor.

[2 hours later ]

Blake and I were currently in bed cuddling after we had sex..

"Your dad will literally kill me if he finds out" Blake says slightly smiling
" he's a hypocrite" I say giggling

"Hey Addie can I talk to you for a sec?" I hear jake say knocking at my door..shit was he here?! I thought everyone left!

"Uh yeah hold on" I say and throw some clothes on trying to fix my hair I hear Blake start laughing lightly.

I turn to him and say "what"
"Your wearing my shirt" he says still laughing. "oh" I say taking it off and handing it to him, I grab my shirt and put it on.

I go downstairs alar wing jake at the kitchen. "um hey what's up?"

"I wanted you to tell everyone that I'll be gone for a while" he says "oh ok"

Jake pulls me into a tight hug and whispers in my ear "I still love you Addie " placing something in my hand and then walking out the door.

I look at what he placed in my hand it was a necklace a lot like his except this on has real crow feathers and a small blue stone in between the feathers.

"Hey what did he want" Blake asks coming downstairs, I slip the necklace in my back pocket and say "not much just that he wanted me to tell everyone he is going to be gone a while" I say

"Oh" he says coming over and pecking my nose and I giggle "your so cute" Blake says. "I love you" I say and it's true all my life I said I would never love someone like this but lord Zalgo help me I've fallen in love with Blake so what if it makes me psychotic I'm happy.

"I love you too Addie bear" he says smiling "hungry?" He questions and I nod and Blake starts making ramen.

After we finished the ramen the rest of the pastas started coming in. "cheesecake cheesecake I wants meh cheesecake!!!" Maskey sing/yells

"And I-i w-w-want m-my damn waffles!" Toby yells

"I just want food in general" my dad says "you always want food" my mom says

"Are you calling me fat woman!" my dad yells "no I'm calling you a pig and if you want something tonight you better watch your tone"
"Yes Hun" my dad says with wide eyes

"Ha! Well I'm going to bed" I say walking upstairs and slipping under the covers a few minutes later of just staring at the darkness I feel someone slip into the bed with me.

"I love you Addie" I hear Blake say
"I love you too" I say and a few seconds later I fall asleep.

I updated!!! Woohoo now B_A_S_S_H_E_A_D update your damn story -.- please and I'm sorry if I don't reply to your comments my account thingy is acting up anywhore have a great day night whatever time of day your reading this. ^~^ ^_^ :P

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