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~Addie's P.o.v~

I woke up the next morning and got out of bed. I walk into the connected bathroom which I guess I can call my room..

God dammit who the fuck am I!?!?!? I thought , i found a note near the sink I read it and it said.

Melanie dear there are clothes for you in the closet you can use till we get you some and a brush and other accessories in the cupboard above the sink.

~ Carrie

That's nice of her...

After I was done in the bathroom I put on a pair of blue jeans and a white tank top with a pair of light blue floral converse that where in the closet... the clothes are too.. bright.

I walk downstairs and see Carrie and Susie at the breakfast table eating waffles , and Carrie asks me to join them and I agree..


"Dude red vines are the best food ever!!!" I yelled




End of flashback:

"Melanie?" Carrie says snapping me back to reality "yeah?"

"Are you ok you look like you have seen a ghost?" Susie says

"Uh yeah I'm fine" I say and put on a fake smile

[ 2 hours later]

After we were done shopping and decorating my room I followed Susie in her room because I promised I would play with her.

"Sooo what do you wanna do?" I ask

"Umm have a tea party with me please" Susie says... I swear someone has asked me that before.

"Of course" I say and smile.

It was about 30 minutes into our little tea party when Carrie called my name and asked if I could come down for a second.

When I walked down I see a boy about my age in black jeans and grey shirt combat boots and spiked belt he is tan has jet black hair and bright blue eyes with a green starburst pattern, when he sees me his eyes light with fire.

" Melanie this here is my son Damien the little trouble maker we were telling you about last night" Carrie says

"Only for you mom" Damien says but still angry in his eyes drone seeing me... I wonder why.. hmm maybe if I try to be as sweet as I can be

"Well don't I feel special, well you to go get better acquainted I'm going to make lunch" she says and we walk upstairs.

"Hi I'm Melanie" I say sweetly before he pins me up against a wall by my neck and growls LITARLY growls at me "ok Addalyn Woods how did you survive huh! I knew I should have ripped your head off what do you want my family. what the hell is he talking about!!.

I pretend I can't breath " I don't know what your talking about my name is Melanie I don't know you please Damien your scaring me" I say in between fake coughs and gasps with fake tears in my eyes... I must be a very good actress because his look softness to a confused look and he lets me go, I drop to my knees because well by now I'm guessing I really am a vampire now. I pretend to be catching my breath.

"Your... not Addie?" he asks

That name sounds a little familiar but I shake it off.

"No I'm Melanie" I say and looks really confused " I could have sworn you were her but you act nothing like her.

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