29. Steps

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Suga looked at Akaashi, worried. "So he couldn't do it?"

"No… he won't eat and if he does it's straight to the toilet. Or he'll lay in bed for an hour before getting up and half doing his hair. I've been doing that for a while." Akaashi rubbed his eyes.

"Has he been taking his medicine?"

"Yes. But it's not that. He missed taking it three days in a row and he was the same."

Suga shifted in his seat. He glanced at his phone that had lit up before turning it off. "Has he been okay with Emiko?"

"He tries his best. He adores her and me so helping us somehow comes before himself." Akaashi looked to the side, thinking. He sighed. "There's actually more… but it's uncomfortable."


"Koutarou can't exactly um… get it up. During my last heat I had to lock myself in a spare room so he couldn't hear me…"

"Oh God it's affecting that too? His instincts should take over…"

"I know. I'm worried."

"What about a therapist?"

Akaashi avoided his gaze. "Money is a little tight right now…"

Suga blinked. "Ooh. That's nothing to be embarrassed about! Money was tight for me and Daichi after having Yuichi. I still go to my therapist too so it'll get better."

Akaashi shifted. "Thanks."


Akaashi dropped his bag, sighing. Having his second job was starting to become stressful now. But he was managing. He liked having the extra income. "Koutarou! I'm home!"

No response.

He tensed. Akaashi looked into Emiko's room and saw her peacefully playing with a teething ring.

Okay she was fine but where was Bokuto?

"Koutarou!" Akaashi called out again. He opened the bathroom door and sighed. Bokuto was sitting on the floor, head in his hands. "Koutarou…"


"Why didn't you answer me?"

"I'm tired."

"Ah okay…" Akaashi leaned down. "You threw up?"


"Good job." Akaashi whispered. He rubbed Bokuto's back. "You're doing so good."

Bokuto wiped his cheeks and took a deep breath. "Yeah I guess."

"What's bothering you?"

"Nothing this time. I'm being honest."

Akaashi tilted his head.

"It'll sound weird but Emiko stopped me. I put her in her room and was going to come in here to do that thing and I could just see her little eyes staring up at me and couldn't seem to do it…"

Akaashi smiled sadly. "She's a little miracle, isn't she?"


"Come on, we're gonna go eat now. Okay?"

Bokuto nodded. "Okay."

Akaashi helped him up and walked to Emiko's room. He lifted her up and walked into the kitchen. She was set on a mat a few feet away with a stool on it. "Can you hand me the cutting board?"

Bokuto gave it to him and opened the fridge. "Gah… where is the thing…"


"Yes the thing! The green thing!"

"Koutarou be specific." Akaashi turned. He spotted Emiko standing, leaning against the stool. For a moment he watched her shuffle and feel of the stool before standing on her own. "Look."

Bokuto turned. "What?" He saw this too and smiled. "Good job…"

Emiko turned her head. "Mimi!"

"Yes princess, mommy and daddy are right here." Akaashi said, bending down.


Bokuto grinned.

"Mimi! Babby!" Emiko moved a leg.

"Ah wait I think she's gonna try." Akaashi made a few soft clicking noises with his tongue. "Come here princess."

Emiko reached her arms up and squealed.

Akaashi smiled. "Koutarou, you squat over here."

"Okay!" Bokuto squatted where Akaashi had been. Akaashi went behind Emiko and turned her so she was standing facing Bokuto.

"Go on. He's right there."

Bokuto sat down. He reached out a hand and tapped Emiko's hand. "Hi there."

Emiko grabbed on. Akaashi tapped her back, encouraging her to go forward.

Emiko took a few little steps before falling into Bokuto's lap. Bokuto's face lit up and he lifted her up. "Good job! You did so good!"

Akaashi smiled. Bokuto hadn't been so happy like that in so long.

Emiko held onto Bokuto, giggling softly as Bokuto kissed her head. "You're so cute!"

Akaashi scooted closer and looked at Emiko. "Hi there princess."


"Yes. And this is Daddy." Akaashi put Emiko's hand on Bokuto's chest. "Can you try to say daddy?"


Bokuto chuckled. "That's me I guess. Hi there."

Emiko put her fist in her mouth, humming around it.

"Ah no. Here." Akaashi took out a teething ring and eased it into her mouth instead. "There we go."

Emiko chewed on it, content.


Bokuto looked at Akaashi. "She kinda looks like me!"


"Maybe our next one will look like you a little." Bokuto paused. "If you want another one of course cause if not that's fine."

"Maybe in a few years. She's already a handful."

"Okay! Cool!" Bokuto turned his attention to Emiko. "Someday we might make you a big sister. Doesn't that sound fun?"


Bokuto leaned into the cabinets, bouncing her lightly. Akaashi stood back up and kissed Bokuto's forehead, holding his face. Bokuto hummed.

"You're doing great, okay?"



Later that night as Akaashi laid in bed, he rubbed Bokuto's hair gently, smiling. The older male was half asleep at this point, staring back with a tired smile.

"You feel any better?"


"I'm glad." Akaashi whispered. Bokuto's eyes closed for a moment, signaling that he was about to fall asleep. Akaashi scooted closer and held him against his chest. Bokuto loosely held his shirt, relaxed. "Goodnight Koutarou…"

"G'night Keiji…"

"I love you."

"Mm… of… you…"

Akaashi laughed. Bokuto would be okay… right?

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