12. Beautiful

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Bokuto picked him up carefully. "Woah you're heavy. Okay. Here we go."

Daichi got closer but both Akaashi and Bokuto growled loudly at him. Daichi backed up. "Got it. But Bokuto, I need to give you medicine too."

"What? Why?"

"Alphas have an extreme instinct to protect their mates in labor or in pain. I need to give you something that'll keep you calm."

"I can wait."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." Bokuto walked out to his car and put him in his car. Akaashi whimpered again. "I've got you."

Akaashi sniffed. "Ooh it hurts..."

"I know, sorry."

On the way to the hospital Akaashi kept shifting, worrying Bokuto. Even inside the hospital he was worried, seeing Akaashi whimpering loudly and letting out such a severe stress pheromone.

"Sir, we need you to take this before you go in there."

"No, please. I just need to be with him." Bokuto begged. From behind him a nurse walked up slowly before Bokuto cringed, feeling a needle in his scent gland. "Oh. There we go..."

"Thank you. Now you can come in."

Bokuto walked in and Akaashi looked up. He whined loudly, putting an arm out for him. Bokuto hurried to him and kissed his forehead and cheek. "Deep breath."

"Trying." Akaashi flinched. "I can still feel it."

"We're turning it up." A doctor stated. 

Akaashi hummed. "Thank you..."

Bokuto focused on Akaashi and not beyond the curtain where he knew his mate's stomach was being opened to get their child out. Bokuto kissed Akaashi's forehead again.

"Mm..." Akaashi closed his eyes. "I feel like I'm going to pass out already."

A doctor went to Akaashi and handed Bokuto a cold cloth. Bokuto wiped his face and forehead. He smiled at his tired stare. "Hey there."

Akaashi hummed. "Is it over yet?"

"No, it's not. But it will be soon." Bokuto ran a hand through his hair. "Are you excited?"

Akaashi nodded. "I'll see them... soon." He smiled, feeling Bokuto kiss his temple. "Mm. You're going to be such a good dad..."

"So are you!" Bokuto held one of his hands. "I wonder if they'll have your eyes."

"Or yours."

"Or your hair. Which is kinda sweaty right now. Sticking to your forehead too." Bokuto rubbed his hand gently. "But you still look so beautiful."

Akaashi chuckled quietly. "You don't look too shabby yourself." He reached up and rubbed Bokuto's cheek.

Bokuto chuckled. "I love you."

"I love you-"


Akaashi gasped. "There they are." He turned his head and saw a doctor walking out. "Wait."

Bokuto looked up. He frowned. "Where are you taking them?"

"There's an issue with her eyes. We're going to just check and see if they're okay."

Akaashi tensed. "M-my baby... oh no..."

Bokuto turned back to Akaashi. "Hey, hey, hey I'm sure she's okay." He paused. "She! Keiji we have a daughter!"

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