1- Willow Sheldon

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I was standing in my brothers room, looking in his mirror. We were going to go the drive-in! I'm not wearing an outfit that most Socs wear. If you ask me, I dress more like a greaser in someways.

I had just put on my leather jacket when I herd someone knock on the door.

"Willow, you almost ready?" Said Cherry. That's my best friend, she is also Bob's girlfriend. Cherry has reddish hair and is kind of pale. She wears makeup, but it's always light. Cherry is a nickname for Sherri. We call her that because of her hair.

"Willow! Hurry up! Your gonna make us late!!" I herd Bob yell from downstairs. Bob is my older brother. He's tall and has curly hair. He wears khakis and a sweater, like most male Socs.

"I'm coming!" I yelled.

I threw on some cute boots and ran downstairs. We all went to the car and got in.

I don't understand how we all fit in the car, Bob and his best friend, Randy, sat in the front. Randy is also tall with curly hair. In the back of the car was Cherry, our friend Marcia, and me. There was also 3 Socs sitting in the back with us.

Marcia has short dark brown hair. She wears sweaters and skirts, so does Cherry and most female Socs.

We started driving to the movies when Bob, Randy, and the 3 Socs all started drinking.

"Seriously! You can't go to the movies without drinking!" Cherry said.

"Bob, you promised you wouldn't drink around me anymore!" I said. "Remember what happened last time?!?!"

"Yeah Willow, I remember. I past out in the streets, mom and dad blamed you. It was no big deal!"

"No big deal!?!? I was grounded for a month! The only food I got was what you and Cherry brought me! And dad kept punching me!!"

"Whatever" I herd Bob mumble.

The rest of the car ride was pretty quiet. Every once in a while Bob would yell at some people for staring at me.

He's very protective when it comes to boys. People try to sleep with me often. Bob told me it's I because I don't cover up, but I don't care.

Im pretty good looking. I have wavy light brown hair that goes to my lower back. I'm about 5'3 and I'm 16. I have brown eyes and naturally rosy cheeks. I normally wear fish net tights with either a skirt or jean shorts. I also have chains attached to my shorts or skirt. I wear platform boots most of the time. I either wear a cropped shirt or just a sports bra with a leather jacket. I know that's not what people wear but I think it's cute.

We arrived at the drive-in when Cherry and Bob started arguing. Cherry has told Bob that she would never go out with him while he was drinking.

I was listening to them argue when I saw 3 boys start walking by. I think they were greasers, but I can't be talking because of what I wear.

I quickly looked back to where Cherry was. I herd Cherry tell Marcia that they were going to go sit in the seats. (There are seats at the drive-in for people who don't come in cars). They walked over to me and said they were going to sit in the seats and asked if I wanted to join them. I told them that I would find the later and I was going to make sure Bob didn't do anything stupid.

Cherry and Marcia both walked away. I walked over to Bob and Randy.

"Go away Willow!" Bob said.

"What did I do?"

"I said go away!"

I just stared at him confused and frustrated. We started arguing, about what? I honestly don't know.

"Ow!" I yelled. He just slapped me!

"What the f*ck!" I said backing away.

"Willow.. I'm sorry. I don't know why I just did that. Please." He said reaching for my arm.

I jerked my arm back. "I'm going to sit with Cherry and Marcia, leave me alone." I turned around and I walked away.

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