2- The Drive-in

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I was walking to the seats and jumped over the railing and sat next to Cherry.

When I sat down I realized that the 3 boys that I saw earlier were sitting behind us.

"What happened! Are you ok?" Cherry asked me while looking at my face.

"Bob slapped me. We were arguing for some reason and he just hit me!" I said annoyed.

"Seriously! Well, we can deal with this later. Let's just enjoy the movie."

I nodded to Cherry agreeing.

"It's cold"

"Well why didn't you bring a jacket, stupid"

I herd the boys talking behind us. They were all wearing jeans. They all had dark brown hair and had it greased back. The tallest one didn't have much grease in his hair. He was wearing a brown jacket with a black shirt and a necklace. The one sitting in the middle was wearing a shirt, he was saying he was cold. The third one looked real rough. He was wearing a jean jacket. He had cuts all over his face. He reminded me of a sad puppy.

I zoned out for a few minutes. When I zoned back in I herd of of the boys behind us talking.

"Hey! Check out the broad in front of us"

"There's 3 of them, Dal"

Then I herd Marcia whisper to Cherry. "I think that's Dallas Winston" Cherry looked like she agreed.

I've herd about Dallas Winston, but I didn't know who he was.

"I wonder if that's her real hair color" said the boy we think is Dallas Winston.

The other 2 boys just looked at him to stop. Then I felt him looking at me.

"Check out this one" he said elbowing the boy next to him.

I rolled my eyes and flipped him off. He started laughing.

"I like this one" I herd him say.

He leaned forward putting his head in between me and Cherry. He just started smoking.

"Be nice and leave us alone. Be nice and leave us alone!!" Cherry said to him.

He leaned back and became serious. He said "I'm never nice".

He put his feet up on the back of my chair, but he missed. He ended up falling off the chair! He sat there surprised while all of us were laughing.

"Oh so that get your attention" he said laughing and getting up.

He started talking again, but I zoned out. I zoned back in because Cherry just screamed at him. "GET LOST HOOD!" If I'm being honest that scared me. I've never seen Cherry yell at people, besides Bob of course.

One of the boys got up. "Come on Dal, let's go get coke and popcorn at the snack stand"

They got up and went to the snack stand. Cherry turned around and looked at the boy who was still sitting there. "You gonna start on us to?!?"

The boy just looked at her confused. "U-uh, n-no"

"You don't seem like the type anyway. What's your name?"

The Outsiders, Bob's little sisterWhere stories live. Discover now