8- Sorry Dal

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When we got inside, I walked over to Dally.

"Hey Dal, can I talk to you? In private?"

He nodded and we walked up to his room. He closed the door and looked at me confused.

"I don't really know how to do these types of things"

"What do you mean?"

I looked at him and started feeling bad already. I really liked him...

"I don't think we should hang out anymore.."

I could feel his mood change. It made me feel worse. I couldn't look at him so I started playing with my rings.

"I didn't realize how much I was worrying Bob"

"I understand. Can we still hang out every once in a while? Like at the drive-in or something"

I looked at him and smiled. "Sure"

He walked over to me and kissed me.

"When you are ready for a relationship or something, let me know"

I smiled and hugged him.

"Thanks for understanding"

He nodded and we went back downstairs. I walked over to Bob.

"Ready to go?"

I nodded. I waved bye to Dally and Buck. We left and went to Cherry's.

When we got there, they all had a lot of questions. I explained what happened and what I told Dally. Bob seemed ok with me hanging out with him every once in a while.

I slept over Cherry's that night, so did Marcia. We mostly talked the whole night. We had to explain to Marcia what was happening.

The next day Randy and Bob came to Cherry's house. It was around 10AM.

"Hey! Good news! Oo pancakes!!"

"Randy, you just not going to tell us?"

"Bob, you tell them"

"Wow. Ok, the news is.. we talked everything out and called off the rumble! The greasers all agreed same with the Socs!!! Also Randy give me one!"

We all smiled at the news.

~5 months later~

Life was pretty good. Dally and I hung out once a month. Bob and I were more open with our feelings. Everything was fine. We were going to the drive-in to see a movie. Cherry and I convinced Bob to not go in a car. It worked and we were actually surprised.

We sat in the seats. I noticed Dally and his gang were sitting a few rows over. I saw Bob look in their direction, but I didn't think anything of it. Cherry and Marcia looked just as confused as I did. Bob was looking at Darry, he was smiling and nodding.

"What are you doing?"

"I can't say. Sorry Cherry"

We both looked at each other confused.

About halfway through the movie Bob got up to get snacks. Darry had done the same. They were gone for about 10 minutes.

"Yo, why is it taking him so long to get snack"

"Why are you asking me? Your his best friend!"

"But your his sister!"

"Randy, I don't know what he's up to. None of us do"

Bob came back and Randy started questioning him. Bob just ignored him, I started laughing. We sat and watched the rest of the movie.

When the movie was over we all got up. We left the drive-in. We started walking to the park. Which was weird we weren't going to the one Socs hang out at, we were going to the on greasers hangout at. Bob hated that park, unless he was jumping someone.

Dally and his gang had just arrived at the park when we got there.

"What are you up to Bob?" Randy said wanting information.

"You'll see"

We walked over to them. They all looked so confused also. Darry and Bob both had a smile on their faces.

"Why am I waiting for them to say they are dating" Cherry whispered to me laughing.

I looked at her and started laughing also.

"Are you two done?"

We looked at Bob and nodded.

"Ok, Bob and I have decided something. More like a deal kind of." Darry said.

"You know your just making us more confused, right?"

"Willow just listen to him" Bob said.

We all looked back at Darry and he started talking again.

"The deal was that Bob and Randy are going to stop jumping Pony. Dally and Willow, you two can date. Willow, if you hurt him, I hurt you."

"And Dally, if you hurt her, I hurt you."

"I feel like this is more of a threat..." everyone looked at me and agreed.

"It's not, last month I reached out to Darry. Whenever you came home from hanging with Dally, you seemed happier. Your my little sister, I want you to be happy. I convinced Darry to let Dally be with you. The way I convinced him was, Randy and I wouldn't jump Pony anymore."

We all just stared at them. Two-bit had pushed Dally toward me. Dally hugged me from behind and I mouthed thank you to Bob and Darry. This was very unlike Bob. I turned around and kissed Dally.

He whispered in my ear. "So, can you be my girl?"

I put my chin on his chest and looked at him. I smiled and said "yes"

He kissed me. I was really happy.

"Hold up" Randy said causing everyone to look at him. "Is this why you've been so secretive lately?"

"Yes, and I couldn't tell you because I know you would tell Willow."

"It's like you have no faith in me"

We all started laughing.

I loved my life now. I was proud of who I was. Cherry and Marcia are my best friends. Bob and I are really close, well close for siblings anyway. Randy and I were still good friends, same with Buck. Soda forgave me and we were friends again. Most importantly Dallas Winston is my boyfriend and Bob approves.

The Outsiders, Bob's little sisterWhere stories live. Discover now