7- Buck's place

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"Hey, uh is Darry here?"

"Yeah, he's upstairs. Him and Dally are talking. Well, fighting."


"Yeah, you can come in if you want."

He nodded and came inside. We sat down at the bar waiting for them to come back down. It was really awkward.

"Why did you tell me you were Bob's sister?" Soda said breaking the awkward silence. He sounded kind of disappointed.

"Sorry, I just hate tellin' people."

"I get that. You still could of told me. I would of told no one."

"I'm sorry Soda."

He sighed and got up. I looked at him confused and he started walking up the stairs. As soon as he got up the stairs, the front door swung opened. There was a girl standing in the doorway. I've never seen her around town before.

"Where is Dally? Wait, who the hell are you? And why are you at Bucks, there's no party or anything."

"Uh, what?" I looked at her confused.

"Who the hell are you."

"I'm a friend of Bucks."

"That's not telling me who you are. And how the hell can you afford those boots!?"

"Uh, I'm not a greaser... I'm a Soc."



I looked at her really confused. I herd someone coming back down the stairs, but I didn't know who it was.

"F*ck! Get out!"

"Buck.. you ok?" I said. What's happening?? Who is she? Why does Buck seem pissed?

Buck ignored me and walked over to the girl. He started pushing her out the door, but she pulled out a switchblade.


"Buck? What's going on?" I herd Dally say as he was running down the stairs with Soda and Darry behind him.

The girl walked over to me and held the switchblade to my throat.

"Get away from her Silvia!" Dally said walking over to us.

"Dal, since when do you care about Socs? Last time I checked, you said they were white trash with money and you would use one to get money."

I looked at Dally. I felt kind of hurt, ok really hurt. My eyes started to tear up, I tried my best to hold back my tears.

"Willow, I-"

"Save it." I said pushing Silvia away from me and walking toward the door.

I walked outside and closed the door. I just sat on the steps because I didn't want to stay in there, but I didn't want to go home or to Cherry's. I could hear them arguing inside.


"What?! It's true! You litterly said that when we broke up!!"

"Why the hell are you here Silvia. You promised not to come here anymore." I herd Buck say.

"Right. When's the last time I kept a promise." She started laughing.

I stopped listening after that. Why are people always fighting?

I must have zoned out because I didn't even realize the door opened.

"Willow? Are you ok?"

It was Soda! I thought he was mad at me! Wait, why does he care all the sudden?

The Outsiders, Bob's little sisterWhere stories live. Discover now