3- The Fountain

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While they were walking us home, we were all talking. Cherry and Pony talked to each other. Marcia and Two-Bit talked to each other. Johnny and I just walked next to each other. I didn't really know what to say.

We stopped for a few and stood against a fence.

"Ponyboy you sure talk 'bout Soda a lot. What 'bout Darry? Tell me something about him."

"What's there to tell? Darry hates me!"

"No he doesn't Pony! You don't know what your talking about"

"Shut your trap Johnny Cade!! You ain't even wanted at home!!!"

Two-Bit smacked Pony in the back of his head. "You shut your trap Pony! Never say somethin' like that again!!"

"Sorry.." I herd Pony mumble.

Oh no! You have got to be kidding me! "Cherry! Look!" I pointed to a car coming toward us.

"You have got to be kidding me. MARCIA! Their here!" Cherry said annoyed.

The car stopped. Bob and Randy got out of the car.

"Cherry?! What are you doing!"

"I told you before, I'll never go out with you when your drunk!!"

"That's no excuse hanging out with these bums." Randy said.

"Hey! Who you callin' bums!"

"Watch it pal" Randy said walking toward Two-Bit.

Two-Bit had cut a coke bottle on the fence and handed it to Pony. Then he took out a switchblade! He's holding his switchblade up to Randy's neck.

"Stop!! Bob, we will go with you! Pony can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Why we aren't scared of these bums!" Two-Bit said as Pony nodded to Cherry.

"I hate fights! I just hate em!"

Cherry and Pony walked over just far enough so we couldn't hear them. Bob started walking toward me.

"Willow, get in the car. Now."


Two-Bit looked really confused. I herd Johnny whisper to him that I was Bob's little sister. Two-Bit's mouth just dropped. Bob started yelling at me to get in the car, but I refused. Cherry and Pony walked back over. Marcia got into the car and Cherry started yelling at Bob.

"Willow! Get in the car! I'm not going to ask again! Cherry tell her to get in the car!"

"I'm not getting in the car with you!" I told him.

"Bob, she will be fine. Let's go. Willow, if you need just come to my house."

"Ok, I will. I might just go to Bucks. I don't know though."

Bob got pissed off. Cherry got him to get in the car. Once they got in the car they all left.
Two-Bit looked at me so confused. "Are you seriously Bob's sister..?" He asked me. "Yeah.. but please don't tell anyone!" I practically begged him. He looked at me and agreed.

We started to walk Johnny home. When we got to his house, his parents were fighting. He decided not to go inside.

"Yo, ima go to a party. Pony go home so Darry doesn't skin ya." Two-Bit said as he walked away.

The Outsiders, Bob's little sisterWhere stories live. Discover now