6- The truth

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"What do you mean, 'not when your Willow Sheldon'?" Soda said confused.

I looked at them and sighed.

"Everyone thinks Socs are perfect. Because we are the west side kids, the rich kids. It's not always like that. Y'all are so close with each other, you don't care that you don't got fancy things. Y'all are good with having each other. Yeah, Socs have money but we don't got friendships like you guys have. And when your Willow Sheldon, you get told what to do. Pony, you know what that's like. It's not fun, is it?"

"No.." Pony mumbled looking at Darry.

"Right. Y'all have parents who are either dead or drunk and don't give a f*ck about you. My parents favor Bob. I don't even got a room in my house, I sleep on a couch in Bob's room. Or I stay at Cherry's. When your Willow Sheldon, you get blamed for everything, you get told what to do, you don't get a choice. And of course when I find something I like and might actually have a choice of, Darry you just took that away."

They were all staring at me with their mouths dropped. I looked at Bob who started hugging me. I moved signaling him to stop. I turn toward the door and start walking out of the house.

"Hold up! You can't just say that last sentence and walk away like that!" Dally yelled walking after me. I kept walking, Cherry and Randy were waiting by the cars. Bob walked over to them not knowing what to do.

I got to Cherry and said that we were leaving. She nodded and went to the drivers side.

"Seriously? You just gonna leave? You lead a guy on and then just leave?!?!" Dally said walking out of the house.

I turned around and sighed. "Sorry. Didn't mean to lead you on or anything."

"Why do you care so much, Winston?" Randy said very confused.

Dally looked at me and smiled. "I dunno, I just do"

I laughed a little. "Thanks" I mumbled.

Dally nodded. Everyone just stared with a really confused look. Dally walked over to me and whispered in my ear. "Come to Bucks later, so we can talk."

"Ok, I'll try." I whispered.

He looked at me and put his arms around me. My heart started pounding. He leaned in and kissed me. He pulled away and started walking away. I looked at Bob and Randy, they looked like they wanted to kill him.

Dally walked back into the house. Everyone was dead silent. His gang walked back into the house. Darry stared at me like he wanted to hurt me and he shut the door.

"What the hell Willow!" Bob said looking at me.

I rolled my eyes and got into Cherry's car. Cherry also got in. She drove back to her house. Bob was following us in his car.

We got out of the car and quickly went into Cherry's house, up to her room. Bob and Randy were trying to follow us. Cherry closed the door to her room and locked it so they couldn't come it.

"Open the door Cherry!"

"I will later! Just let me talk to her! Go downstairs or something!"

We herd them walk down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Willow, are you ok?"


"You sure? I mean, I know what you said at the Curtis house was true, but are you sure your ok?"

"Yeah, Cherry I'm fine. I just wish that people didn't care about who others hang out with, y'know?"

"Yeah I understand that. Sooooo, you going back to Bucks tonight?" Cherry said starting to laugh.

The Outsiders, Bob's little sisterWhere stories live. Discover now