4- Dallas Winston

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We walked for a bit. When we got to the place Dally was at, we walked up to the door and Johnny knocked. The door slowly opened and I could smell the alcohol. There was an outline of a figure standing in the doorway. We couldn't tell who it was because the lights in the room were red. The figure stepped out into the porch light.

"Hey Willow! Why aren't you with Bob or Cherry?"

"Oh hey Buck! And it's been a rough night, I guess."

"Alright, you want a drink?"

"Nah I'm good"

"Hey Buck, is Dal here?" Johnny said to change the subject.

"Yeah, why."

"Can we talk to him?" Pony asked.

"I dunno. He might be with a girl and I ain't about to interrupt that."

"Please! Just tell him it's Pony and Johnny! He will come!" Johnny said begging him.

"Alright fine. But if he's with a girl, be ready to start running." Buck said closing the door and walking away.

A few minutes later the door opened. "What do ya want" said a tired Dally.

"Johnny almost killed a Bob" Pony said. "What? Wait why didn't you." Dally replied.

"Because I didn't. Can we just come in?"

"Yeah sure. Pony why are yo-" he paused when he saw me, then quickly looked away. "Sorry, why are you soaking wet?"

"They were drownin' him" I mumbled. Dally just looked at me and walked away. Johnny and I followed him up to the room he stays in. We walked into the room and Dally closed the door. I leaned against the wall, Johnny leaned against the nightstand that was by Dally's bed, and Pony sat on the bed.

Dally got a towel and threw it to Pony telling him to dry off. Pony took off his shirt and wrapped himself in the towel. Dally walked over to his dresser and threw him a shirt. "Alright listen to me. Pony and Johnny, both of you go to Pony's house and tell Darry what happened. I will be calling to make sure you guys are there." Then he turned and looked at me. "You, your gonna spend the night here."

I just looked at him and lifted my eyebrows, as in saying whatever. Dally walked out Pony and Johnny. He came back into his room and walked over to his dresser again. He took out a shirt and threw it to me. "Go in the bathroom and change into that. It should be big enough to go down to your knees." I just stared at him.

"You gonna go change? Or you just gonna stare at me the whole night?" He said laughing.

I rolled my eyes and went into the bathroom. I closed the door and I changed into the shirt. I turned on the sink so I could rinse some of my makeup off. After I finished I walked out of the bathroom and put my clothes on his dresser.

"I'll be right back. Ima go call the Curtis household."

A few minutes later he walked back into the room. I was just leaning against his dresser.

"Did they get home?" I asked trying break the silence. He looked at me mumbled "mhm"

He start putting stuff away. It was really quiet, the only noise was coming from the bar downstairs. After a few minutes he looked at me and leaned against the wall smoking.

"You can sleep on the bed. I'll get some sheets and sleep on the floor."

I looked at him confused. "It's your bed, you can sleep on it. I'm fine with sleepin' on the floor."

He started laughing and said "your funny if you think your sleepin' on the floor. I can't have a broad like you sleepin' on my floor."

"Well, it's your bed. I'd feel bad makin' you sleep on the floor."

He just stared at me. "You seriously wouldn't care if you slept in the same bed with Dallas Winston"

"Nope, not really."

He just laughed. I walked over and sat on the bed. I moved over so I was closer to the wall. Dally had put his cigarette away and changed out of his jeans into sweatpants. He wasn't wearing a shirt when we had came originally. I was just looking at him and he started laughing.

"Watcha lookin' at doll?"


He walked over to his bed laughing and he sat down. We both crawled under the sheets and I turned to face the wall. I wasn't really in the mood to sleep, I mostly just layed there and stared at the wall. I could feel him shifting. After a few minutes, I started to drift off to sleep. I was about to fall sleep when I felt warm arms wrap around my body. It startled me a little bit, but I was to tired to do anything. He pulled me closer to him and I could feel his breath on my neck. I ended up falling asleep right after that.

Sorry this chapter isn't that interesting. Its mostly just a filler chapter.

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