5- The jumping

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At around 9 o'clock in the morning, I woke up. I must of rolled over in my sleep. I started opening my eyes. All I saw was Dally's chest. I started to sit up trying not to wake Dally. I herd him grunt. "What do you think your doin' doll?" He said moving his arm so I couldn't sit up.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

He mumbled something but I couldn't understand what he said. I was looking at the ceiling and told him I should get going. He just grunted. A few minutes later he got up and started changing. I stood up and walked over to where I put my clothes. I went into the bathroom and changed.

I walked out of the bathroom and handed him his shirt.

"I'll drive ya home"


We left Bucks and he drove me to my house. I thanked him and walked inside. Bob was waiting for me.

"Did you seriously spend the night with that greaser!?!?"

He sounded pretty mad. I mumbled yeah and walked to his room getting my outfit for the day. I walked into the bathroom and changed. I got ready for the day and walked back downstairs. I looked at Bob and said I was going to Cherry's. I walked out the door and down a few houses. I walked up the driveway and knocked on the door.

"Hey Mrs. Valance! Is Cherry here?"

"Yeah! She's upstairs! Come on in!"

"Ok, thank you!" I said to Cherry's mom as I walked up the stairs. I got to Cherry's room and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Cherry said from inside her room.

"It's Willow. Can I come in?"


I walked into her room and layed down on her bed.

"I herd about the fountain incident. Are you ok? Also where did you go after that?" Cherry said looking at me.

I sat up and started playing with the rings on my hand. "Yeah, I'm fine. After the what happened at the fountain, we went to Bucks. I was probably going to go there anyway just to hang with him. Pony and Johnny said we were going to go there so they could talk to Dally, so I just went with them."

"Oh. Did you sleep at Bucks?"

"Yeah, I had slept in Dally's room because Buck was drunk as f*ck."

"He didn't do anything, right?" Cherry said sitting up concerned.

"No" I mumbled.

We sat there for a few minutes in silence. There was a knock on her door.

"Hey, can I come in? I need to tell you guys something."

"Randy?" Cherry said getting up and walking toward the door. She opened the door, Randy came into her room and sat at the end of her bed. Cherry closed her door and come back over.

"Randy, what's going on?" I said confused.

"There's going to be a rumble sometime next week. Socs vs greasers. Socs want to get even with the greasers because Johnny almost killed Bob. Bob agreed not to get the cops involved with Johnny and the attempted murder. Paul suggested a rumble and Bob agreed to it. Willow, they said your going to have to fight in the rumble. I know girls don't fight in rumbles but they don't care." Randy said to me and Cherry.

We both stared at him for a minute. "I can't fight in the rumble! I'm friends with some of the greasers!! Also rumbles never solve anything!" I said in a panic.

"Im sorry Willow. I just wanted to warn you. Ok, I gotta bounce. Cya." Randy said leaving the room.

Cherry just looked at me concerned.

The Outsiders, Bob's little sisterWhere stories live. Discover now