Familiar Meta! (special chapter)

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(A/N: just before we get to the chapter, I know this isn't the 150th chapter, we are still 6 chapters away from the 150th, the reason why this is a special chapter, is because it's been one year since I released the first chapter of the Spectre story which kickstarted this whole universe that I've created, I can't believe that its been one year already and I'm hoping that one year from now, that this universe will have continued to grow, thank you everyone who has stuck around and took the time to read this, it really means a lot, anyway that's enough from me, I hope you all enjoy the slightly longer chapter) 

Barry let out a frustrated sigh as he raced around the streets of Star City, searching for any clues on the Reverse Flash's whereabouts but he had come up empty once again. He came to a stop and activated his comms before asking "Any luck honey". He heard Kara sigh before she responded, "I found nothing, I searched all over National City, Central City and Keystone three times each but couldn't find anything, I'm sorry Bar... um I mean Flash". Barry smiled a little and said "It's ok Supergirl, Thawne is good at hiding his tracks, I wasn't expecting it to be easy so you don't have to apologise". Kara replied "thanks honey". Barry smiled a little and said "I'll meet you back at the Tower, we should meet with your cousin to see if he found anything in Metropolis or Coast City, then we should take a break". Kara giggled and said "you are the last person I expected to suggest a break babe". Barry chuckled and replied "well I don't want my amazing fiancé to push herself too hard plus you never know when a villain is going to come out of nowhere". As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Cisco exclaimed "Barry, Kara, there's a meta attack in Central City, I know you're searching for Thawne but you two are the closest to the city". Barry replied "it's fine Cisco, I'm on my way". As he was about to speed off, Kara stated "I'm on my way too, I don't want my amazing fiancé to push him self too hard either". Barry smiled and replied "see you there Kar". Kara giggled and said "last one there has too deliver all the wedding invites when we get them made". Barry asked "Didn't we agree to deliver them together". Kara giggled and said "ok fine, last one there is a rotten egg then". Barry shook his head with a small smile and asked "you do know that even with your Kryptonian abilities and a connection to my speedforce, I am still faster than you, right". Kara giggled and replied "can't a girl just make something fun for her and her fiancé". Barry chuckled and said "sorry babe, I'll see my beautiful rotten egg soon". Kara laughed and said "oh now its on Scarlet Speedster". Barry smiled and said "I guess it is Girl of Steel". Barry then turned in the direction of Central City and raced off leaving a trail of orange lightning behind him. Kara shook her head with an amused smile before she launched into the sky and flew after Barry.

Barry raced into Central City Park and spotted a crowed of civilians running from a familiar meta. The meta launched a park bench at the fleeing civilians. Barry quickly sped the civilians out of the area and put them down next to a cop car that had just pulled up. Barry crouched down and asked "are you two ok". The civilians nodded their head in disbelief. One of them stuttered "th-thank you Flash". Barry nodded and stood back up with a smile, which only grew when he heard the driver of the police car ask, "what's the situation Flash". Barry turned around and replied "a meta just showed up and attacked civilians, I don't know who the meta is, I never got a look of them just yet but I'll stop them Captain West". Joe smiled and said "we'll make sure this meta has no way out the park, while you do your thing". Barry nodded and said "got it". Joe said "Flash, try and not get hurt ok".  Barry chuckled and said "I don't think my fiancé would be too happy if I did". Joe chuckled and shook his head before he replied "all the more reason too keep safe". Barry nodded with a small smile before he raced back into the park.

Barry came to a stop a few metres away from the meta, immediately recognizing him when the meta came into sight. Barry muttered "of course its another meta this new world brought back". The meta stated "Flash, it's been a while, four years if I remember". Barry remarked "there's a reason for that Rothstein".  Atom Smasher snapped "that's because you and that little team of yours put me in that hellhole". Barry retorted "you injured and killed innocent people, and once I've stopped you, you'll be going straight back to Iron Heights". Atom Smasher said "you outsmarted me last time, It won't happen again, I'm going to kill you Flash and I'm going to enjoy it". Barry grinned and replied "I'd like to see you try". Atom Smasher lifted up another park bench and launched it at Barry. Barry ran towards the bench and grabbed onto it before he then swung it around and threw it back at Atom Smasher. Atom Smasher lifted his arms to block the impact from the bench. The bench shattered against Atom Smasher but didn't do much to make Atom Smasher lose his balance, as Barry had expected. While Atom Smasher had his focus on blocking the bench, Barry attacked Atom Smasher from behind. Atom Smasher stumbled forwards but quickly managed to regain his balance. Atom Smasher punched the ground, creating a shockwave. Barry had managed to move out of the way which made him smile slightly. However the smile didn't last as he heard the sound of a woman's scream. Barry looked at the source of the noise to find that a blond woman had fallen from a hiding place behind a tree and was being approached by Atom Smasher. 

Barry raced over as fast as he could and slammed into Atom Smasher, knocking him back a few metres and off his feet before he then turned to the woman and helped her up. Barry asked "are you ok". The woman nodded and replied "thanks to you, thanks Flash". Barry asked "why are you still here anyway". The woman said "I was in town for an article when I heard about the meta so I....". Barry smiled slightly and finished "so you put your life on the line so that you could provide a story". Barry chuckled and added, "someone I know, was like that". The woman nodded and smiled slightly. Barry smiled and replied "you should get out of here Ms Vale". Vicki asked "but what about my story, and how do you know me". Barry replied "I'll let you ask me whatever you want later if you get out of here and wait outside the park, besides your safety matters more". Vicki beamed and asked "you will". Barry nodded and replied "yeah I promise". Barry turned around to see that Atom Smasher was back on his feet. He turned back to Vicki and said "go, run, I'll deal with him". Vicki hesitated for a moment before she then nodded and ran away from the area. Barry turned around to face Atom Smasher only to be met with a punch to the stomach which sent him flying backwards. 

Barry rolled to a stop and grunted in pain as he got up onto one knee. He clutched his stomach and muttered "I thought this was going to be easy". He then looked over to see Atom Smasher running in his direction however he stopped in his tracks when the two heard a sonic boom coming from above them. Barry watched as his fiancé landed in between him and Atom Smasher, leaving a crack in the ground from the impact of her landing. She glared at the meta villain and raised her arms in a fighting stance. She growled, "leave, my, fiancé, alone". Atom Smasher asked "and who are you supposed too be". Kara ignored his question and launched at the villain. Atom Smasher raised his arms to block her attack but the force of her punch sent him flying backwards. Kara then flew over to Atom Smasher and punched him down to the ground. She landed and readied her heat vision before she then said "don't even think about trying to escape". Kara saw a quick flash of orange then suddenly an unconscious Atom Smasher had meta cuffs on his wrists . Kara smiled when she heard Barry say "thanks for the help". Kara turned to her right to see her fiancé standing next to her. She smiled and replied "well this rotten egg had to save your ass, I couldn't just listen to you getting hurt and do nothing about it". She then asked with a worried tone "are you ok though, do I have to take you to Caitlin for help". Barry smiled a little and took both of Kara's hands before he replied "I'm ok honey, its nothing a little speed healing can't solve, besides we can't leave just yet, we need to hand him over to the CCPD then we should visit Joe while we're here". Kara smiled again and said "only if you're sure you're ok, it would be nice to visit Joe". Barry smiled and replied "I promise you babe, I'm more than ok". Kara smiled and said "ok lets get him handed over to the CCPD then". Barry said "we also need to give an interview to Vicki, I kind of promised her that I would". Kara asked "Vicki is here". Barry nodded and replied "yeah she was trying to get a couple of photo's of the fight I guess, she reminds me of you whenever you would rush into danger for an article". Kara smiled a little and nodded. She said "ok hand him over to the police, do the interview then visit Joe, sounds like a plan".

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