Speedster family!

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Kara didn't even take time to think about it. She knew her answer immediately. She smiled at Barry and said "Yeah, I do". Barry smiled a little And asked "are you sure, I mean you can have time to think it Kara". Kara smiled at Barry and said "babe, I don't need to think about it, gaining a connection to the speedforce will help us against Leviathan, and Thawne too, we need the advantage, it'll give us a better chance at stopping them if we have a full Kryptonian speedster, a half kryptonian speedster and an amazing speedster who generates the speedforce and who is faster than the speed of light". Barry smiled and nodded. Kara smiled and said "plus I think it would be super cool, I get to have two more connections to my boyfriend". Barry asked "yeah". Kara nodded and said "we'll have the same powers, and I'll be connected to you through the speedforce". Barry smiled at Kara more. Kara smiled and said "there is only advantages to gaining a connection to the speedforce, I don't see a disadvantage". Barry smiled and said "it'll help you when you eventually end up pregnant with Nora and Dawn". Kara asked "it will". Barry nodded and said "they'll be half kryptonian, half speedster". Kara said "it sounds like it'll be hell". Barry nodded and said "I think that during the pregnancy, you'll start to randomly temporarily lose your powers for short bursts, and then in the later stages, it'll be longer until Maybe the last couple months, you won't have them again until you give birth, so having your connection to the speedforce will help you during it". Kara nodded and smiled at Barry. She then frowned and asked "so I won't be able to help you while I'm pregnant". Barry said "Kara it depends if we are still out there as Flash and Supergirl at that point, we might not be needed and we have spoken about having that life, where we live a somewhat normal life". Kara nodded. Barry smiled and said "and if you have to give up being Supergirl, I'll give up being the Flash, I don't want you to feel useless or left out". Kara smiled from ear to ear and said "just when I think I can't love you anymore, you go and prove me wrong". Barry smiled and pressed his lips against Kara's. Kara giggled and kissed back with a massive smile on her face.

They both pulled away with massive smiles. Kara said "I love you so much Barry". Barry smiled and said "I love you too Kara". Kara smiled more and said "lots of my friends thought I would have gone with Mon-El, especially my sister, She thought I had feelings for him". Barry asked "did you". Kara said "I hated him with a passion, Kryptonians and Daxamites didn't like each other, we ended up becoming friends, we both got captured by Cadmus one time, He saved me, and he confessed his feelings for me, but I never liked him that way, to be honest, ever since I helped send you home, I couldn't stop thinking about you, and we just had this connection, I never felt it with him, I told him that I liked you". Barry asked "is that why he didn't like me much at first". Kara said "probably, but I would never have went with him or anyone, only you, you are the only one that fully understands me, you Make me smile, you Make me laugh, you Make me just feel like me Barry, I can just be myself around you, no one else does that, and I love you more than anything, that's why you are my first and only boyfriend, I don't see myself ever being with anyone else". Barry smiled and said "you do the same for me Kara". Kara smiled and said "yeah, that's why we've been together since we were sixteen". Barry chuckled and nodded. Kara said "it all worked out though, Mon-El likes you, He sees you as a great friend, He got married in the future, and I'm with the man I love". Barry smiled more and pecked Kara on the lips. He said "I don't know what I'd do without you babe". Kara giggled and nodded. Barry asked "so you're sure you want a connection". Kara nodded and said "more than 200% positive". Barry smiled and said "ok, let's get this done then". Kara asked "is it just the same process". Barry nodded and said "yep, it'll take a little while for you but it should be faster than Oliver due to your Kryptonian biology". Kara smiled and said "as long as I get the hang of them before Leviathan shows up". Barry chuckled and said "you will, we can go into the speedforce to train you if needed". Kara smiled and said "ok, shall we do it now then Bar or do you want rest first". Barry said "let's do it now, it'll only take a moment". Kara nodded.

Barry done the same process that he done to give Nora her connection. Kara giggled as the lightning jumped from Barry's hand into hers. Barry smiled and asked "how do you feel". Kara giggled and said "really energized Bar, does it always feel so energizing". Barry said "yeah, it's the speedforce in your system, you always get the feeling of it coursing through you when you use your powers". Kara smiled and said "it feels awesome, we should have done this ages ago". Barry chuckled and said "if only we could have Kara". Kara nodded and smiled. She hugged Barry tightly and said "I love you so much". Barry hugged her back as he said "I love you too Kara". Kara smiled and said "Leviathan is so screwed". Barry chuckled and said "yeah they are, we have most of the Justice League here to help deal with them". Kara smiled and said "yeah we do, we should probably go check up on Nora and then get some rest". Barry nodded and said "let's go then Kar". Kara smiled and stood up. She helped Barry up and took his hand. The two had massive smiles on their faces as they headed to check on their daughter.

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