Discussing the new speedforce!

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Lex clutched his bloody and broken nose. He shouted "what the hell is wrong with you". Lena asked/shouted "what's wrong with me, you are the insane one out of us". Lex shouted "if I'm not mistaken, you wanted to use Andrea's tech to take away everyone hatred and lust for violence, it's worse than what I wanted". Lena shouted "said the dumbass who turned our sun into a red sun to try and kill Superman". Barry walked over and said "ok, let's all just calm down yeah". Lex said "I will, but I'm not working with her". Barry said "she's your sister". Lena said "adoptive, I'm not related to that". Barry said "ok, once this little project is over, you don't have to even glance at each other again". Kara walked over as well and said "I'm with Barry here but, I think Lex did deserve that". Lena smiled at Kara and said "I knew I can trust my friend". Kara and Lena high fived. Barry asked "can we make a start on this thing". Lex said "I need to go clean up my nose". Barry nodded. 

Lex gave one last glare to Lena and then headed out. Barry chuckled and said "well you have maybe ten minutes without him before he comes back". Lena laughed and said "oh I hope so, I can't stand him". Barry said "me neither but, we need him". Lena nodded and asked "what's all this language in the journal". Barry said "it's a time language". Lena said "so no matter the changes to the timeline, the information will be the same". Barry said "yeah, exactly". Lena asked "so where shall we begin". Barry said "uh, I have no idea". Kara giggled and shook her head. Lena said "well we are gonna need a massive energy source". Barry chuckled and said "as long as it doesn't require another particle accelerator explosion, and me ending up supposedly dying but actually ending up in the speedforce again, we'll be good". Kara and Lena gave Barry a confused and worrying look. Kara said "yeah, let's go with the option that doesn't include my boyfriend being harmed". Barry smiled at Kara and said "don't worry babe, I think I've been close to death far too much the past six years". Kara smiled and said "I know Bar, it happens too much". Lena said "well dark matter will be included, you shouldn't need to be struck by lightning, your cells have already been altered, you just require a connection to this new speedforce, once it's created, but instead of Thawnes negative speedforce requiring hatred and anger, to have a connection to it, such as Thawnes hatred for you, your one should require love and happiness, maybe your love for Kara and your friends and family". Kara said "shouldn't be too hard, he is the Paragon of Love after all". Lena said "yes, he is, it's not the getting the connection to the new speedforce that's the problem, it's the making it, you see, in the original timeline, where Thawne didn't go back in time, Barry became the Flash in 2020, it was that particle accelerator explosion that created the speedforce, Barry therefore being the first speedster, now the speedforce from them expanded, like the multiverse, across space and time which therefore meant it then technically existed before Barry was struck by the lightning, it became a paradox essentially, so if Barry isn't stuck by the lightning that night he did, the speedforce wouldn't exist, but at the same time, it already does, it's a little confusing". Barry nodded and said "I get it". Kara nodded and said "me too".

Lex came back covering his nose with a tissue. He asked "so what do we have so far". Lena asked "what, no witty comment". Lex sighed and said "I don't want punched in the nose again". Lena said "well we need an energy source, that would produce the same amount of energy as a particle accelerator, without creating a particle accelerator". Lex said "could be simple enough, I mean we have the minds to do it, except you Ms Danvers, unless you know a thing or two about physics and electronics". Kara said "you do realise that Krypton was more advanced than earth in technology right". Lex said "fair enough, between the four of us, we could get what we need, I own both Lex Corp and the DEO, we could see if we have some off world technology that could help us, Lena, you own L Corp, and Mr Allen, you have Star Labs". Barry nodded and said "ok, I can get Gideon to scan for energy sources in the city, see if the technology we need is here, maybe Leviathan has something". Lex asked "Gideon". Kara smiled at Barry. Barry pulled out a small device and placed it on the table. Barry said "I may have changed it from an ear piece to something that could easily sit on your arm like a watch, I still need to make the actual thing to go on my arm but hey, we've been busy". Barry asked "Gideon". The A.I hologram appeared above the device and asked "yes Barry Allen". Barry smiled and asked "can you do a scan in National City for an energy source that equals the amount of energy produced in a particle accelerator". Gideon said "yes, do you require anything else". Barry said "no thanks Gideon". Gideon said "very well, beginning scans". Lena said "that is way better than Andrea's Technology, and the A.I I created". Barry smiled and said "thanks". Kara asked "what are we gonna do about taking away Thawne's speed". Barry said "that's what Cisco and Caitlin are gonna work on when they get here". Kara nodded. Gideon appeared and said "Barry, there are a few power sources in National City, but none of them are the amount you require". Barry asked "where are they, we could probably combine them together somehow". Gideon said "there is a Dominator power source currently in the DEO, there is another power source that is being sold by the National City underworld, and another one stored in the abandoned subway that you are already planning on checking out". Barry said "thanks Gideon, that's lucky then". Lena asked "so what is the plan". Barry said "we can get the Dominator tech, see if we can boost the power output on that with our technology, and we continue with the plan when Kate gets here". Lex asked "what about the third power source". Kara said "I'm sure J'onn could get it, with the help of Ralph, they could get in and out". Barry said "can you go get Ralph then sweetie". Kara said "of course I can". Barry smiled and said "I think we can pull this off". Kara said "well when you are involved Bar, I know we can pull this off". Barry pecked Kara on the lips and said "you sound a lot like the Paragon of hope". Kara giggled and said "I try my best". Lex cleared his throught and said "well I'll go get the Dominator tech from storage". Barry said "I'll come with". Lena said "I'll start working on calculations". Kara said "and I'll get Ralph". Barry smiled and said "see you soon". Kara said "see you soon".

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