Entering a mind!

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It has been two weeks since Christmas. Barry was sat in a lab inside Star Labs trying to upgrade Gideon. He was getting on well but he was struggling a little. Barry sighed when his latest attempt didn't work. Kara leaned on the door to the lab and asked "are you ok babe". Barry said "yeah, I'm fine Kar, what's up". Kara said "well nothing much Bar, I just came to remind my amazing boyfriend to take a break every once in a while and to remember to eat". Barry smiled at Kara and took a deep breath. He said "ok, I will Kara, I'm just, you know.... A lot has changed..... And I mean a lot". Kara walked over to Barry and placed her hands on his shoulders and said "I know Bar, but we just have to accept that..... It won't ever be the same as it was, we can't just expect things to return to normal, because things will never be the same Bar, and I know that you will manage, I am because I have you". Barry smiled and wrapped his arms around Kara as she sat on his lap. Barry smiled and asked "how did I get so lucky". Kara said "if I remember correctly, you accidentally ran to my earth at the right moment and caught me". Barry chuckled and nodded. He said "you're right, we can, depending on how much changed there is, I have a feeling that it's way more changes than flashpoint". Kara smiled and nodded. Gideon said "I have finished calculating how much changes occurred due to the crisis, there is approximately 3.54 trillion differences". Barry let out a groan. Kara said "wow". Barry nodded and said "we can get through it". Kara said "we can Bar, I mean not all changed affect us right". Barry said "no, I mean it will be the whole universe such as Argo, Mars, Earth everything". Kara nodded and said "speaking of Argo, we should go visit my mother soon, I need to know if she is ok". Barry nodded and said "yeah, we can go soon, but it'll have to only be a day or two". Kara said "I know, we can take J'onn's ship". Barry shook his head and said "we can go through the speedforce, it'll be much faster". Kara smiled at Barry and said "ok, yeah, you're right". Kara smiled and said "and I've been thinking a lot recently......" . Barry smiled and asked "what is it Kar". Kara asked "do.... Do you want to move in with me now, I mean I know it's only been one and a half months since we started dating but, well it's nice to have you there with me the whole time, waking up with you and going to bed with you, plus we do normally stay together during the night anyway". Barry smiled from ear to ear and said "yeah, I do want to move in with you Kara". Kara smiled and kissed Barry. Barry kissed back with a smile. 

Kara pulled away after a couple of minutes with a smile. Barry said "we can start moving things from my apartment to yours soon". Kara nodded and said "yeah, now are you coming for a lunch break Bar". Barry said "yeah, I just need to make one more tweak ok, I'll be up in the Cortex in a couple of minutes ok, then we can go for some potstickers". Kara giggled and kissed Barry again. She stood up and said "ok babe, I'll see you in two minutes, I'm gonna call Alex and two her that you're moving in with me, I am so excited". Barry chuckled as Kara ran out of the lab. Barry turned back to the small device and began tinkering with it again. He said "ok Gideon, that should be all that I need to do, let's test it out". Barry put the device in his ear and then blacked out and collapsed onto the ground.Barry

Kara was walking to the Cortex while she called Alex. Alex asked "what's up sis". Kara bounced in excitement and said "Barry is moving in with me". Alex replied "really, I am so happy for you sis, you two deserve each other". Kara giggled and said "thanks Alex, We are gonna start moving his things over later". Alex asked "will you need help". Kara said "yeah, I mean we wouldn't mind extra help". Alex said "well I'm on my way to Central City now, I'll see you in a couple of hours". Kara said "ok see you then sis". Alex said "bye". Kara out her phone away and entered the Cortex. Caitlin smiled at Kara and asked "what has you so happy, has Barry finally realised that it's 2:30pm". Kara squealed with excitement and said "he's moving in with me". Caitlin smiled more and hugged Kara. She said "congratulations Kara, I'm so happy for you". Cisco smiled and said "yeah, as long as you don't take him away from us permanently". Kara giggled and said "no, I'm not stealing him away from you Cisco, it's still team Flash here". Cisco grinned and shook his head. He said "Kara, it's team SuperFlash now, we are all a team now, like if you marry Barry one day, it'll be Kara Allen, it's now team SuperFlash". Kara blushed at the thought of Barry asking her to marry him.

Barry woke up in a cage inside Star Labs. Caitlin smiled at him and said "you're finally up, must have been so tired weren't you". Barry asked "Caitlin, why am I in a cage". Caitlin smiled and said "You have to use your signs, I can't understand you remember". Barry said "Cait, what are you talking about". Harrison Wells walked into the room with a smile. He said "anything yet Dr Snow". Caitlin said "nothing yet Dr Wells, he doesn't seem to want to talk today". Wells looked at Barry with a smile. He came closer to the cave and said "what's wrong buddy, why aren't you communicating with us today". Barry glared at him and said "go to hell Thawne, how did you even being me here, why being me back to the past". Wells smiled and said "Grodd, please buddy, we can't help you if you don't communicate with us". Barry asked "Grodd..... Oh no, I am in Grodd's mind". Barry heard Grodd's voice in his head say "that's right Flash". Barry looked to see Wells and Caitlin frozen in place with no emotion. Barry said "what are you up to this time Grodd"......

Life after crisis: a SuperFlash storyWhere stories live. Discover now