secret planning!

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Kara grinned as she came to a stop inside the Tower. Nora came in a few seconds later and gave her mum a confused look. Kara giggled and said "I won, guess I'm faster than you". Nora pouted and crossed her arms as she let out a huff. She replied "that wasn't fair, I didn't know we were racing". Kara laughed and said "relax Nora, I was just messing with you". Nora pouted again and said "I'm not gonna train with you". Kara giggled and said "if you do, I'll let you get all the food you want". Nora said "but I eat a lot anyway". Kara pouted and said "fine, I'll let your dad tell you all the embarrassing stories about me". Nora grinned and said "deal". Kara smiled and said "ok, let's go see your dad, then we can go train together, and if he isn't busy, Maybe he can join us". Nora nodded and smiled from ear to ear. The two waved at Caitlin who had just come out of the main lab. She said "hey you two, what are you both doing here, I thought you were going on a run together". Kara smiled and replied "we did, we were coming in to train, but we're going to see Barry first, is he in here". Caitlin said "yeah, but we've hit a bump, destroying the negative speedforce is easier said than done". Nora said "I mean it is a near infinite power source, but it should be weaker now, it fed off the original speedforce, the only way it is remaining stable is because like my dad, Thawne generates his speedforce when he runs". Caitlin asked "so if we stop Thawne, we can destabilise the negative speedforce". Nora shook her head and said "it's not as simple as that, because we'd only be stopping Thawne now, he could have a time remnant for all we know that would continue to generate his speedforce, we'd need to stop Thawne all points in time that he is in, kind of like what the Legends did with Vandal Savage". Caitlin said "well I better tell your dad that". Nora smiled and replied "you won't need to aunt Cait, he probably already knows". Caitlin nodded and said "well I need to head out for a bit, I'm helping a friend with something". Kara smiled and replied "we'll see you later then". Caitlin waved goodbye to the two and headed out.

Kara smiled as she watched Barry scribbling down notes on a piece of paper, or so she thinks it's notes". She walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist as she buried her face into his back and mumbled "I missed you". Barry chuckled and placed one of his hands on top of hers and replied "I missed you too babe, did you enjoy your run". Kara nodded and said "I did Bar, what are you working on". Barry said "Um.. It's just to remind me of where I left off and what I've still to do, I'm gonna be taking a break soon". Kara asked "oh yeah". Barry turned around in Kara's arms so that he was facing her. He wrapped his arms around her and pecked her on the lips. He then replied "yeah I am, I just need to finish up what I'm doing, It'll only take another twenty minutes, then I can have a break". Kara smiled and said "me and Nora were about to go train, she's gonna teach me how to use my powers a little better". Barry chuckled and said "you seem to enjoy running rather than flying recently". Kara said "that's because it's soooo good, babe it is so exciting, the rush you get from it, it's incredible". Barry nodded and said "yeah there is no other feeling like it". Kara smiled and replied "except love, it's way better". Barry nodded and said "yeah it is". He then smiled at Nora who just came into the lab and said "hey Nora". Nora hugged Barry and said "hey dad". Kara asked "where did you go Nora, I thought you had come in with me". Nora said "Aunt Cait forgot something so... I was uh giving her it before she left". Kara nodded and smiled. She said "that was kind of you, well I'm gonna head to the training room, are you coming". Nora said "I need to ask dad a couple things first about his new speedforce, I can meet you there". Kara said "sounds good". She then pecked Barry on the lips and said "I better see you in twenty minutes". Barry chuckled and said "you will sweetie". Kara smiled and said "ok, love you". Barry replied "love you too". Kara smiled and sped out of the lab to get ready to train.

Barry chuckled and said "she really does love using her speed". Nora smiled and said "it's because she got it from you dad, she gets to be more like her boyfriend, it gives you both another connection and something in common". Barry nodded and said "that makes sense, I'd be the same if I could suddenly fly and shoot lasers out my eyes". Nora giggled and nodded. She asked "so how is the planning going". Barry said "pretty well, we have a rough idea so far, I just really need to think of what to say to her when the time comes". Nora shook her head and bunched up the paper that he was writing on and then set it on fire with a spark of lightning. Barry shrugged his shoulders and said "you are so lucky I was going to do that otherwise I'd be annoyed". Nora smiled innocently and said "sorry dad". Barry chuckled and said "it's ok". Nora smiled and said "dad, you don't need to practice it, you don't need to plan what you are going to say, if you love her, which you very much do, it'll all come to you in the moment, you will know exactly what to say when the time comes". Barry asked "since when did you get so wise". Nora smiled and said "I have you as a dad, of course I'd be smart and knowledgeable". Barry smiled and hugged Nora as he said "thanks sweetie". Nora smiled and hugged him back tightly. She said "no problem dad". Barry smiled and said "go join your mum before she gets impatient and drags you there, I'll see you in twenty minutes". Nora said "ok dad, see you there". Barry smiled and watched as Nora sped out the room to join her mother. He then turned back to some equations he had been working on earlier and continued to work as he thought about what Nora had said.


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