Attempted Rescue!

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Clark landed at the warehouse where Lena, Lex and Brainy are being held and put Nia and Oliver down as J'onn landed beside them. Clark asked "what is with villains and warehouses". Oliver chuckled and shook his head. Nia asked "what is it". Oliver said "Barry and Kara ask each other that all the time, I assume it's an inside joke". Frost walked over to them and sarcastically said "thanks for the lift boys". Oliver said "I thought you were working with Cisco on something to destroy the negative speedforce". Frost said "no, Caity is working on that, and she needed the rest, I can't let you lot have all the fun, plus I'm making sure one of my best friends, you may remember him, used to be super fast, stay alive so shall we get on with this". Oliver smiled and said "the more help the better". Frost smirked and froze the door until it smashed into pieces. Frost said "oh it's good to be out rather than stuck in Caity's head while she worries over Barry". Frost and Nia went one way while the others split up as well. Nia asked "do you not worry about him". Frost said "course I do, he is basically a brother to me and Caity, whenever we need comfort, we go to Barry, it wasn't always that way though". Nia looked at Frost waiting for her too explain. Frost said "Caity had feelings for Barry, I guess for a while, I did too, but it wasn't a huge thing, just a crush really, I liked to think that somewhere out there in the multiverse, we were together, imagine if we were looking after Kara as a child, I would rub that in her face but not as a jealous act of anything of course, it would be a joke, Kara is a great friend of mine, especially recently and in this new earth's timeline, so I could never do it to say hah, in another earth in with Barry and you are our kid". Nia nodded and smiled a little. Frost said "overtime me, Caity and Barry became really close, he managed to stop me from joining Savitar and his mad quest to become a God, he was amazing that way, he was always there for me and Caity, we came to always rely on each other when we needed each other, like true siblings, and Caity feels as if she is failing him, he lost his speed, he died twice during the crisis, even the news of the crisis coming earlier scared her, made her believe she had failed him, that we couldn't prevent it, and now we can't figure a way to destroy the negative speedforce". Nia smiled and said "you aren't failing him, Barry may be going through a rough time, but he wouldn't change it for anything, he has an amazing group of friends who are always here for each other, he has Kara and his daughter, and we can all get through this, if anything, you are both helping him more, you aren't failing him, and I'm sure if you two were actually related, he would be really happy to call you his sister, he probably already does call you his sister". Frost smiled a little and said "thanks, I guess you're right, I need to speak with Barry after we save the three, you know, we always joked about making it legally recognised, the whole us being siblings, I mean I basically lost my parents as a kid, as did Barry". Nia smiled a little. Frost said "maybe we should, although Cisco would be jealous, he wants to be Nora's cool uncle but I want to be the cool aunt, sorry for the pun, just to rub it in Cisco's face, he has always viewed himself as Barry's brother, I mean we are all family". Nia smiled. Oliver came on through the comms and said "guys I've found them". Frost said "well let's get them then".

Frost and Nia arrived in the main room at the same time as Clark. J'onn was currently freeing the three tied to chairs while Oliver kept a look out. Nia asked "don't you think this seems a bit too easy". Oliver said "it is far too easy, we aren't getting out of here without a fight". Frost said "maybe Leviathan is just dumb". Clark said "they aren't, I don't think they were captured to work on the tech, They were to lure us in". The three tied to the chairs slowly regained consciousness. Lex said "it's about time you guys found us". Oliver said "we were a little busy taking care of Ragdoll". Lex asked "you mean walking into a trap, They were never after Andrea to bring her here, They were there to kill her as a loose end, and is being here, it's a trap". The eight in the room turned to see King Shark, a white Martian, Silver Banshee and Weather Wizard. Weather Wizard smirked and said "the bald guy is right". Nia said "oh, it's you, the guy from the bank a a couple months ago". Weather Wizard said "well after you and Flash locked me up, someone came to me, told me that I could be free if I work for Leviathan, and I get to do my favourite thing, hurting heroes". Frost groaned and said "seriously, King Shark is a villain in this new earth, Flash and Supergirl better get here fast". Oliver nodded and said "Superman, Nia, get Lex, Lena and Brainy out of here and keep them safe when you have the chance". Clark nodded as well as Nia. Silver Banshee said "that isn't happening".

J'onn and Clark flew at the white Martian while Frost and Nia went against King Shark. Oliver went against Weather Wizard and Silver Banshee. Lex muttered "Barry and Kara better get here and fast". They heard a crash and then a roar. Brainy laughed and said "there here". Barry, Kara and Grodd walked through a hole in the wall. Barry chuckled and said "sorry we're late".

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