Entering the virtual world!

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Kara asked "Kelex". Kelex asked "yes Ms Zor-El, do you require assistance". Kara asked "did Gideon successfully upload into you". Kelex said "the transfer was 100% successful". Barry smiled and high fived Kara. Nora, Lena, Lex and Grodd came over. Lena said "I assume that was successful". Barry nodded and said "we're ready on our end". Lex said "we got the backup ready, for if Nora or the monkey needs to get out the Virtual world". Lena said "Cisco and Felicity are trying to track down Leviathan, everyone else is ready to go". Barry nodded and said "me and Kara need to talk to Nora, can you get everything set up". Lena nodded and said "will do, we won't take long". Barry said "neither will we". Lena nodded and went to start setting everything up for Nora and Grodd, with the help of Lex. Barry smiled and asked "can you come with us Nora". Nora asked "I'm not in trouble am I". Kara giggled and said "no silly, me and your dad have something for you, well it was your dad that made it but anyway, just come on so that I can stop rambling". Nora nodded and giggled as she followed her mother and father.

Barry and Kara walked over to the other side of the lab with Nora nervously following them. Kara giggled and said "relax Nora, are you ok". Nora said "um, well I don't know mum, I'm honestly scared". Barry smiled and placed a case on a desk. He turned around and said "I'm scared too Nora". Nora asked "you are". Barry nodded and said "we are about to go up against a secret group which we have very little knowledge on, I'm honestly terrified". Nora smiled a little and said "it doesn't seem like it". Barry smiled and said "because I know I'm not alone, I have your mother, she alone gives me enough courage to get through anything". Nora smiled as did Kara who pecked him on the lips". Kara said "thanks babe, you give me more than enough courage". Barry smiled and nodded. He said "you aren't alone in this Nora, you never will be, you have Grodd with you, Lena and Lex will be guiding you, and Kelex will stop the tech from controlling your mind, and you have me and your mother, I know we aren't physically going to be there, but we are there, we will always be with you Nora". Nora smiled and hugged her parents tightly. Barry and Kara hugged her back with massive smiles. Kara said "your dad is right sweetie, plus we are all connected through the speedforce too". Barry smiled and said "your mother is right, we're all connected, plus it's ok to be scared Nora, it's fear that allows us to keep going, but not if you fear too much, fear can be a weakness but it can also be a strength, you'll be ok". Nora nodded and said "thanks dad, thanks mum, I love you both so much". Kara smiled and said "we love you too". Barry smiled and said "we love you so much". Nora smiled more and pulled away from the hug.

Barry smiled and asked "are you ready to see this". Nora nodded. Barry smiled and opened up the case. Nora smiled from ear to ear. She said "my suit, you made me my suit". Barry smiled and said "I couldn't remember it exactly but I done my best". Nora smiled and hugged Barry tightly. She said "thanks dad, I love it, I'm sure it's perfect". Barry smiled and hugged her back. He said "well it's about time that you had your suit again, you're ready to be back out there". Nora smiled more and said "it means so much dad, I love you so much". Barry smiled and said "I love you too Nora, why don't you try it on". Nora nodded and lifted the suit out of the case. Barry and Kara headed back over to help Lena and Lex set things up.

As the four were setting up the equipment, Nora came over in her suit and asked "what do you think". Kara smiled and said "it looks really good sweetheart, you look like a hero". Nora giggled and hugged Barry and Kara again. She said "I think it's amazing, thank you both so much". Barry said "it's really no problem Nora, now are you ready for this, we're sending you and Grodd in soon, Leviathan shouldn't detect anything for a little while, it's something Felicity managed to set up, it should be enough time to give you guys a head start, maybe us distracting Leviathan will help too". Nora said "I'm ready dad". Barry smiled and said "just lie here and we'll do the rest ok". Nora nodded and lay on the bed. Grodd was on a separate bed at the other side of the room. Kara said "I'm gonna go help Lena with Grodd, be safe sweetie". Nora said "I'll be fine mum". Kara pecked Nora on the forehead and headed to help Lena. Barry smiled and said "put this on ok". Nora nodded and put a device on her head. Barry smiled and said "we just need to set this up and then you'll be in Leviathan's virtual world". Nora nodded. Barry smiled and held Nora's hand. He said "once you're out, come help us ok". Nora nodded and said "ok dad, I will, we'll win". Barry smiled and nodded. He pecked her on the forehead and said "see you soon Nora". Lex asked "are we ready". Barry nodded and replied "do it". Lex switched a few switches and pushed a couple buttons. Barry watched as Nora closed her eyes. He asked "did it work". Lex said "vitals are stable, I believe so, she can communicate with us and tell us what she sees, and we can communicate with her". Barry nodded and said "we're going now, update me if anything goes wrong". Lex nodded and said "I will". Barry smiled at Kara and the two left the room.

Nora opened her eyes in a bright and sunny National City. She said "this is so Schway......" .

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