The final power source!

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Barry, Kate and Oliver made their way into the area. There was an elevator at the end of the hallway. Barry said "we need the medallion to open it but I... I can't use my speed to get it". Oliver said "well you have a fast girlfriend don't you". Barry smiled and nodded. He said "Kara, we need your help with something". In an instant, Kara was in front of them in her suit. She asked "what's up". Barry smiled and said "there is a medallion in the train, we need it to open up the elevator but the wall will close up, so you need to be fast". Kara nodded and said "back in a Flash babe". Barry chuckled as Kara sped away. She then came back with the medallion and handed it to Barry, pecked him on the lips and then sped back out before the wall closed. Barry smiled and said "you are amazing Kar, you know that". Kara giggled and said "you aren't so bad yourself Bar". Barry smiled as he walked over to the lift and put the medallion into the slot. He turned around and saw Oliver and Kate smirking at him. Barry asked "what". Kate said "nothing, just you two are so adorable together". Barry smiled nervously and said "thanks....... Can we just get a move on". Oliver patted Barry's shoulder and then walked into the elevator while chuckling. Kate smiled and then followed Oliver into the elevator. Barry sighed and entered last after taking the medallion back. Oliver pressed the button and the elevator doors closed.

Barry was the first to step out of the elevator when They arrived on the bottom floor. Kate and Oliver stepped out as well and looked around. Kate said "for an old abandoned villains base, this is quite fancy". Barry nodded and drew his bow as did Oliver. Barry said "kept an eye out just in case". The three cautiously made their way along the hallway into the massive room at the far side. They saw a body on a seat slumped over on the desk. Oliver said "it looks as if he has been here for a while". Barry walked over and said "yeah, he's been here for At least a couple of months". Kate and Oliver looked around the room keeping an eye out for anyone or anything dangerous. Barry said "I think this is Rama Khan, he seems to match what Kara told me about him, and from the pictures I've seen". Oliver asked "Rama who, who is it". Barry said "I'll let Gideon explain, if you can Gideon". Gideon said "Certainly Barry, Rama Khan was the leader of Leviathan, he arrived in earth 2 million years ago, and was the cause of many great disasters such as the eruption of Mt Vesuvius and the destruction of Pompeii, or the great flood from the bible". Oliver nodded and said "if he could do things like that, how is he dead". Barry said "it must have been someone he trusted, from the looks of things, he didn't struggle which meant he never knew it was going to happen". Kate nodded and said "so someone killed him and took over as leader of Leviathan". Barry nodded and said "most likely". Oliver nodded and said "guess we have more questions than answers now". Barry nodded and said "yeah but now it's a new lead, we now know that he isn't involved, maybe we can find anything else here". Oliver nodded and said "we'll have a look but we should get what we came for first". Barry nodded and said "well Gideon is picking up a high amount of energy from the next room". Kate said "well let's go then".

Barry, Kate and Oliver walked into the next room where They found a big spaceship. Barry said "wow, that is big". Oliver said "not as big as the Dominator shops but still impressive". Barry nodded. Kate said "I wish I knew you guys years ago". Barry chuckled and nodded. Oliver asked "how long will it take you to find this tech, me and Kate should stay out here and keep an eye out". Barry said "well it is big, maybe twenty minutes or thirty but it won't take long too remove the power source". Oliver nodded and said "be fast". Barry said "I can try". Barry ran into the massive ship whilst Kate and Oliver hid in cover and kept an eye out for trouble. In no time Barry came out with a crate with the power source inside. Oliver asked "do you have it". Barry nodded and handed Oliver the crate. Kara came on comms and said "Barry, Thawne just entered the subway". Barry said "ok, thanks Kar". Barry hid in cover close to Oliver and Kate.

Barry heard the crackle of lightning and then Thawne chuckling. He shouted "I know you are in here Flash". Barry looked at Oliver and whispered "you two get that out of here". Oliver whispered "we are not leaving you Barry". Barry smiled and whispered "I'm not alone". Oliver sighed and nodded. Barry stepped out from cover and aimed his bow at Thawne. Thawne smirked and said "I know you are losing your powers Barry but a bow, you know I'm faster than that". Barry smiled. Thawne said "take your best shot Barry". Barry didn't shoot. Thawne shouted "what are you waiting for Flash, take your shot". Kara smashed through the roof and landed behind Thawne. She grabbed him before he could comprehend what was happening. Kara said "he was waiting on me". Barry smirked and fired an arrow that went right into Thawne's leg. Thawne grunted in pain and dropped to the ground. He pulled the arrow out and dropped it. He then sped behind Kara and held her from behind. He said "say bye Flash". Barry's eyes flickered with electricity. He sped at Thawne and punched him before he could harm Kara. Thawne stumbled back and was about to charge at Barry when Oliver and Kate appeared behind him. Oliver was aiming his bow at Thawne. He said "don't move". Thawne smirked and asked "you brought the green arrow and the new bat from Gotham". Barry said "you aren't winning this Thawne". Thawne smiled and said "not long from now until you have no speed Barry". Barry watched as his speedforce gauge turned from yellow to red. Thawne said "until next time Barry". Thawne sped away. Barry asked "are you ok Kar". Kara nodded and said "thanks to you Bar, I know what you risked to save me". Barry smiled and said "it's worth the risk, I would gladly lose my speed if it meant that you were safe". Kara smiled at Barry and pecked him on the lips. She said "let's get that back to the Tower, then we can relax tonight". Barry nodded. Kate smiled and said "well I should be heading back to Gotham tonight". Barry and Kara smiled At her. Kara said "thanks for your help". Kate nodded and said "of course, you would do the same for me, the both of you". Oliver said "well I should get back to the hotel too, I need to tell Felicity how we done". Barry nodded and said "we'll see you tomorrow". Oliver nodded and followed Kate over to the lift. Barry tossed him the medallion which he caught. Barry lifted up the crate and smiled as Kara flew them away out the hole She created, then she took them back to the Tower.

Life after crisis: a SuperFlash storyWhere stories live. Discover now