The Battle against Leviathan part one!

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Barry rushed towards Gamemnae from the side while Kara flew at her from the other side. Kara fired her heat vision at Gamemnae while Barry threw a lightning bolt at her. Gamemnae pulled the ground up and blocked Kara's heat vision. While Kara was confused, Gamemnae blasted electricity at her. She then turned into electricity and went into a street light to avoid Barry's lightning. Barry sighed and said "great, another sparky". He turned around to be punched by Gamemnae. She then blasted him back with her electricity. Kara rushed at her and punched her back. Gamemnae rolled back but then got back onto her feet and used the earth to grab Kara. Gamemnae smiled and blasted Kara with electricity, sending her flying back. Barry caught her and put her on her feet. Kara asked "how can she use Rama Khan's abilities". Barry said "I have no idea babe". Kara asked "what's the plan now then". Barry said "we distract her, then everyone else comes in". Kara nodded and said "oh I just want to be on Argo, relaxing with you". Barry chuckled and said "I know". Kara smiled and flew at Gamemnae as Barry ran below her. He phased through the ground that tried to trap him while Kara avoided blasts of electricity. He slammed into Gamemnae who was then hit by Kara's heat vision.

Gamemnae stood up and said "this is fun". Kara said "and you're insane". Gamemnae smiled a little and asked "are you still hurt that I enjoyed being carried at super speed Kara". Kara said "I would be lying if I said I wasn't still annoyed about that". Gamemnae smiled and said "oh, your daughter is exactly like you both you know". Barry said "you better not lay a finger on her". Gamemnae said "we'll see Flash, you do know that I control technology don't you, a part of me is in the burial world, if your daughter doesn't leave it, I will be forced to hurt her and it won't be pleasant, I won't enjoy it at all". Kara glared at her and said "Nora is better than the both of us combined, she'll beat you and destroy it". Gamemnae said "yes perhaps, but your friends at Catco won't be able to last as long". Kara said "I'm so done talking". Gamemnae smirked when Kara flew at her. Gamemnae used the earth to block Kara enough to distract her. As Gamemnae went to blast Kara with her electricity, she was hit from behind. Gamemnae turned back into electricity and entered the electric wires in the broken road. She then emerged from a traffic light and said "so the martian and Ms Frost are joining us". Barry and Kara stood next to each other as Frost slid down an ice slide beside Barry and J'onn landed next to Kara. Frost said "well we couldn't let these two have all the fun". Gamemnae smiled and said "well this is going to be fun".

Kara fired her heat vision at Gamemnae as she hovered up into the air. Frost fired icicles at her as she slid on an ice slide. Barry ran at her from behind while J'onn flew at her from the side. Gamemnae blocked Kara's heat vision with the earth and swung at J'onn who blocked her attack. Gamemnae used the earth and pushed J'onn back with it. She then used it to make the ground beneath Barry's feet uneven, making him fall and trip over. Frost jumped from her ice slide and blasted Gamemnae with a massive blast of frost. She then ran over to Barry and offered him her hand which he took. She helped him up and said "try not trip up Bro". Barry chuckled and said "I'll keep that in mind sis". Frost laughed a little and said "if only it were true". Barry smiled and nodded before speeding back towards Gamemnae who was standing back up. She blasted electricity at Barry who easily avoided it. He then punched her which sent her flying backwards and through a wall into a building. Barry sped in and saw people all hiding in fear. He said "go, get somewhere safe, J'onn can you get the civilians out of here". J'onn said "so you think you can manage without me".

Barry was blasted back outside by Gamemnae. He said "Yeah I think I'll be fine". Kara landed beside him and helped him up as Gamemnae stepped out of the building. J'onn said "copy that Flash". Barry watched as J'onn flew into the building to help the civilians. Frost came over beside the heroes and asked "do you or shall I". Kara said "knock yourself out". Frost smirked and said "I was hoping you'd say that". She started blasting a continuous stream of frost from her hands. Kara then used her freeze breath to help. Barry began running in circles, encircling Gamemnae, Frost and Kara. Once Frost and Kara stopped, Barry threw a lightning bolt at the frozen Gamemnae. She flew towards Kara and Frost. At the last moment, just as Kara swung at her, she turned into electricity and entered a street light. Kara huffed and said "I hate that". Barry asked "do you guys think you can hold her". Kara asked "what are you planning". Barry smiled and said "just going for a few laps around the city". Kara smiled and said "go". Barry smirked and sped off.

As he ran around the city, Lex spoke through comms "Nora managed to destroy the servers". Barry said "got it". Nora then spoke through comms and said "hey dad, do you think I can join you". Barry said "come on then X-S". Nora smiled and sped beside Barry. She said "Grodd is helping mum and Aunt Frost". Barry nodded and said "we're going to punch her at the same time ok". Nora nodded and said "got it, how is Uncle Ollie and the others holding up". Barry said "Quite Well, I'll tell Ollie to destroy the servers once we do this ok". Nora nodded. Barry asked "ready". Nora said "as ready as I'll ever be". Barry said "ok turn.... Now". Both Barry and Nora took a sharp turn and ran down a street towards Gamemnae who was preoccupied with Kara, Grodd and Frost, smashing windows from buildings and cars as they ran. Both Barry and Nora hit her, resulting in a massive shockwave and a massive booming noise that could be heard from miles away.

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