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Barry and Kara helped the CCPD load Atom Smasher into the back of a police van. Once they had done that and the van was on its way to Iron Heights, the two heroes approached Vicki who was interviewing an officer. Vicki let out a sigh of frustration once she finished up her interview with the officer and put her pen and notepad away. Kara frowned a little and asked "are you ok". Vicki shook her head and replied "all of the officers that I interviewed know absolutely nothing about the meta attack other than the fact that Atom Smasher was involved". She then turned to face Kara and Barry and let out a gasp of surprise. She smiled from ear to ear and asked "Supergirl, you're here too, first I meet the Flash and now I meet Supergirl, I'm not dreaming am I". She then pinched her arm and said "nope I'm definitely not". Kara giggled a little and said "well if you want, we'd be more than happy to answer some of your questions". Vicki asked "really you'd do that for me, it would be a big help". Barry smiled and said "well I did say earlier that I'd answer any question you have for me, didn't I". Vicki nodded and replied "to be honest, I thought you were just saying that to keep me out of danger and that once you were done, you'd hand him over to the police and then just leave". Kara smiled and said "Ba- Flash isn't like that, he's way too kind to even consider doing that". Vicki smiled and asked "is it ok if we do it now, or do you two have to get somewhere to be". Kara smiled and said "we can do it now, we don't mind". 

Vicki smiled as she took out a device to record the interview. She then said "thanks for doing this, it really means a lot". Barry smiled and replied "it's really no problem, we're just happy to help out". Vicki nodded and started recording. She asked "do you know why Atom Smasher broke out of Iron Heights and why he attacked civilians in a public area". Barry nodded and let out a small sigh before he then replied "four and a half years ago I stopped Atom Smasher and he was taken to Iron Heights where he just recently broke out off, he wants me dead so I believe he attacked to draw me here to try and kill me". Vicki smiled and said "and I assume he didn't know about you Supergirl, considering you made your first appearance a couple of weeks after Atom Smasher was apprehended". Kara nodded and replied "yeah he didn't know who I was which gave us the advantage". Vicki nodded with a small smile and said "speaking of your first year as a hero, the two of you teamed up not long after you first appeared and you have continued to work together as a team ever since, was it because you wanted to be your own hero and not just known to be Superman's cousin". Kara shook her head and replied "um, I guess a small part of it was for that reason but me and Flash have actually um known each other for a long time now, He found me in my pod after I landed on earth, I thought I was going to be alone, that no one would accept me". She then smiled at Barry and said "but he did, without hesitating". She then smiled at Vicki and continued, "when I cried, he comforted me and he told me that I wasn't alone, that I would always have him, his family accepted me too, I wasn't raised by them but us two were practically inseparable, we lived in the same street for a long time until my adoptive family moved away". 

Vicki smiled and said "it's great that the two of you have such a strong bond, that you can trust each other, I imagine that it's a massive advantage for when you both team up". Barry nodded and replied "yeah it definitely is, we always support each others plans and we always look out for each other". Vicki stated "this past year, we have seen a few of the heroes from across the country teaming up, both times to deal with a threat that had appeared in National City, can we expect it to be a more frequent thing or is it just temporary". Barry smiled a little and replied "me and Supergirl have been working something out but we haven't really had the time to work on it any further, what we can say is that we do want to have a team of heroes that can all get together if it's required, not every hero might be needed, sometimes it might just be a few heroes that are needed, depending on the situation, so you can expect to see more heroes teaming up in the future, if what we are working on, works out". Vicki smiled from ear to ear and said "that's great to hear Flash and I'm sure that the people will agree". She then said "I think that's all the questions I have, thanks for doing this". Kara smiled and said "it was no problem Ms. Vale". 

Vicki stopped recording what was being said and put the device away. She then asked "Flash, Supergirl, can I ask you one last question, off the record". Barry smiled and replied "yeah of course". Vicki asked "what are you to each other, are you simply just best friends or is there something more too it". Kara smiled from ear to ear and replied "we're actually um.. engaged". Vicki smiled from ear to ear and asked "really, that's amazing congratulations". Barry smiled and replied "thanks Ms. Vale". Vicki asked "so um how long have you been together". Kara smiled and said "quite a while now, we stared dating when we were 16 and we stayed at his parents house until we got our own place". Vicki asked "so you didn't move away with your adoptive family". Kara smiled and replied "no I um decided to stay, I still kept in touch and visited every so often but I wanted to stay with my boyfriend, now fiancé". Vicki nodded and said "thanks for sharing, it really means a lot". Barry smiled a little and replied "it's no problem, thanks for not asking that when you were recording". Vicki smiled and said "it's no problem Flash, I don't think it's something you would want to get out there, so I'll keep quiet about it I promise". Kara smiled and said "thanks Vicki, we need to get going but we'll see you around". Vicki nodded and replied "bye Supergirl, bye Flash". Barry and Kara waved goodbye before Barry then sped off and Kara launched into the sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2021 ⏰

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